Hi ,
I did not play a partners game with you, You must have mistaken me for another player as I NEVER use insultive comments.
I have never playes and AS game, I dont even know what kind of game that is?
I thank you for the responce but I am POSITIVE you have me confused with some other player, person. My name WGT is wayneodle Thats my real name and I ask you to please check again the player who was insultive to you.
I have never said a nasty comment to anyone on WGT, NEVER once.
I feel for you as no-one has a right to abuse anyone, ever, in WGT or any place for that matter.
Please check the WGT name the accual person who did this to you, This needs to be reported.
If I can be of any assistace please send me a message.
Hit them Good, Wayne Odle