iukine:maybe tourneys based on average instead of tier or level would work? then again, maybe not. I'm pretty much fed up with the same guys over and over winning it all. Entering tournaments hoping I'll shoot lights out aint working, and no matter how much I play and practice there is no answer to the meter issue or the vem. Why don't that affect the top guys, someone answer that for all the players who don't average in the low 50's for tourneys!?
The top tourneys and prizes should never be tiered or average based. We are talking the big leagues here, you don't see some amateur like myself winning the US Open cause I get to play off the front tees while Tiger is at the tips. It just doesn't wortk that way.
Fed up with the same guys winning over and over again. You have no idea what these players put into this game, and they are rewarded as such. I have said it multiple times its time and the ability to remember shots, and/or putts and the abiliity to read on the fly. And fortunately for some their lives permit them to play countless hours each and every day.
if you have a meter issue I feel for you, but many of the top players have high end computers stripped pretty much clean, and used solely for WGT. No add on, no BS programs that are going to bog the computer down. Meter issues happen once every few games and when they do happen they know how to get up and down and salvage par.
And lastly, VEM is like an urban legend IMO. yes there are deviations and IMO these are due to club characteristics and camera angles that may be off just a touch.
You can take it for what it is, but a simple comparison of your game to the top players tells the story.....
We will look at the current US OPEN champion to prove my point.
He started almost 1 yr after you, and is only 130 ranked games behind you.
His average distance to the pin is 2ft closer then yours.
He average putts per hole is a whoppoing 1.41 to your 1.60 and he one putts 56.67 of the time to your 43.46
In trouble he is 74.76 in sand saves to your 46.96 and his scrambling is 77.61 to your 57.55.
In trouble he is outstanding and even better in putting, so if they are affected by the meter, he still has a great chance at birdie with the flat stick.
Just saying,