How is it on woolf creek if i hit a rock, ball re bounds anywhere, but when theres a stone wall, ball goes straight through to OOB. Shouldn't ball hit wall and come
camera angle 3
this caused me to go from a score of -13 and top of leaderboard in country club tourney, and winning 700, to getting -9 and winning F'K ALL!
And after re-starting tourney, how can a wedge shot wich is 30 yards from pin, i go over halfway on meter, 17 mph tailwind and i go 10 yards into burn. How many times do i have to mention this, theres a BUG with the 5hit caddy if he offers you pitch, then you change to full swing, shots are not right, caddy still thinks you're pitching. HOW CAN A SHOT GO 10 YARDS with 17 mph tailwind and over halfway on meter. TRY IT.
2 BALLS in 2 minutes, get your damn revenue somewhere else WGT because stealing our balls is a pi55 take!!!!!
And also, why does wind effect the ball on one hole, then when you have important shot, maybe to go top of leaderboard, 20 mph sidewind doesn't effect the ball at all?
WGT please give me an answer to this wind issue because it is one of the major flaws of the game.