Once upon a time it worked like this:
When your average score is equal or smaller than 100 you go from hack to amateur.
When it is equal or smaller than 80 you go from amateur to pro.
When it is equal or smaller than 72 you go from pro to tour pro
When it is equal or smaller than 67 you go from tour pro to Master
When it is equal or smaller than 63 you go from Master to Tour master
When it is equal or smaller than 61 you go from Tour master to legend
Tour Legend at 59.99 and champion who knows?
you need to play at least 5 ranked rounds as hack before reaching Amateur
you need to play at least 10 ranked rounds as amateur before reaching Pro
you need to play at least 20 ranked rounds as Pro before reaching Tour pro
you need to play at least 25 ranked rounds as Tour pro before reaching Master
you need to play at least 40 ranked rounds as Master before reaching Tour Master
you need to play at least 50 ranked rounds as Tour Master before reaching Legend
500 as legend to move to tour legend and a further 200 to champion.
Since Top Golf took over everything has been screwed up, I see people with a much higher avg and much lower tier than me become Tour legends or champions. So what, it does not mean you are a better player but I would not call them cheats, that is a different story!
The biggest balls up has been the ability to score super ex points for playing hundreds of consecutive days and therefore sandbag to your hearts delight and buy super clubs at a low tier. In addition, country clubs have in general become a joke due to wgt changes etc.
I am no longer enjoying this game - looking for a cc with a sensible owner is like looking for a needle in a haystack - there is is only one good club on wgt the rest are sheite. OK affo
We lost Oakmont - we were promised Shinnecock Hills but never got it.
And finally the push for mobile play is an obvious ploy to gather more profit but sod all us poor cretans who have paid big $ over the last few years. I have had a look on my mobile and tablet and having played on a laptop then mobile/tablet looks rather crap! It is a different animal altogether.
Rant over!
See you all in Bangkok soon lol:)