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Fri, Jun 1 2018 6:06 PM (80 replies)
  • xlviii
    502 Posts
    Thu, May 31 2018 10:20 AM


    YOU... point out ANY player who is not an obvious restart to ANY of the 10 ppl I have in mind to confer with...

    With the criteria 5 any comp H TP  and I'll send you 3 sleeves !!!


    I'm not sure what criteria you're using. I can say that simply by nature of the success I had at lower tiers, I was thought by some to be a restart. Those who I spent time getting to know realized otherwise.

    I'm not saying you're doing this, but it can easily be self-fulfilling. "Everyone who finishes top 5 in any competition up to TP is a restart. You finished top 5. Therefore, you must be a restart."

    I'm not really that concerned to prove any point. All I know is what happened to me. I took a quick clance, and This guy doesn't look like a restart to me, and he's tied for third in this month's Chambers Bay Open.

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Thu, May 31 2018 11:32 AM



    YOU... point out ANY player who is not an obvious restart to ANY of the 10 ppl I have in mind to confer with...

    With the criteria 5 any comp H TP  and I'll send you 3 sleeves !!!


    I'm not sure what criteria you're using.

    The above, x2 posts and excluding mobile..( tiers skewed )

    I'm not really that concerned to prove any point. All I know is what happened to me. I took a quick clance, and This guy doesn't look like a restart to me

    Did I mention Master tier ...??

  • xlviii
    502 Posts
    Thu, May 31 2018 11:36 AM


    Did I mention Master tier ...??

    He is a Master now, but he is tied for 3rd in the TP tier of the monthly VT event. He evidently tiered up sometime this month.

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Thu, May 31 2018 12:03 PM



    Did I mention Master tier ...??

    He is a Master now, but he is tied for 3rd in the TP tier of the monthly VT event. He evidently tiered up sometime this month.

    MOBILE profile piccy thingy...

     ( presume everyone a PC plyr  MOB an anathema to me, cartoon, no where near the same ) 

    Show me anyone on PC in tiers H to TP in top 5...not a restart.

  • xlviii
    502 Posts
    Thu, May 31 2018 1:19 PM

    He played the normal Virtual Tour tournament. I'm not sure why it matters whether he played it on PC or on mobile. Besides, just because he's played some mobile rounds doesn't mean he didn't also play some on PC.

    You asked me to show you someone in the top 5 of a Hack to Tour Pro event that isn't a restart. I looked quickly through the TP standings, saw his scores in the CB Open, and checked out his profile. He doesn't look like a restart. Now you're moving the bar. 

    That event that he's T3 in is a tournament that you can play on PC or on mobile, so we don't know whether he played it on mobile or not. Regardless, if you do play on PC, that's a score that would be on your leaderboard as the tournament isn't split between platforms. I believe I've already shown you a player finishing in the top 5 in a TP event who isn't a restart.

    You want another one? How about this player who is T3 in the May BPB Single Play 9 Hole tournament? He's now a Master as well, as he tiered up yesterday. How about this player who won the same event? Or what about this guy who also finished T3 in that tournament? The last two possibly played it on mobile, but as I said, the tournament isn't split between mobile and PC.

    Want another? How about this guy  He's tiered up to Master this month, but he finished T2 in the Pro tier in the VT event, the Chambers Bay Open.

  • el3n1
    4,505 Posts
    Thu, May 31 2018 1:54 PM

    Not going to try and ruffle feathers, but having had some experience on both mobile and PC, the desktop version seems easier to master than the mobile platform.  Now there could be exceptions for some people.  

    I have spoken to some mobile users that play on "large screen" tablets and others  that use the mobile android emulator on a desktop, but the one consensus is that putting on mobile tends to be more finnicky than it is on desktop. This means putting on mobile is based more on feel and making good reads than what desktop players are doing with spread sheets and dot counting.   

    Desktop players have a lot more "aids" they can use...some using multiple monitors with all kinds of spreadsheets, wind aids, rulers, etc...  I have not read or heard of all of these accessories being available to mobile users.  I actually admire what some mobile players are doing, especially if they are promoted to champion without doing so off of red tee tournaments, because I find it more challenging.

    Some will reference the sponsor apparel... and yes that does dramatically alter one's clubs in coin matches... but those club boosting performance effects are not in effect during a ranked WGT tournament round... they are not even in effect during the mobile only weekly WGT tournament.  

    I didn't try to assess each individual referenced by #xlviii, as it is not my bone to chew or debate... just offering a little more insight from my perspective on the two platforms.

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Thu, May 31 2018 5:01 PM

    1st off...didn't know / thought impossible, cross platform play can be in the same tourney...that's just not right from the get go. Live n learn....

    But let's be 'Crystal' !!

    Presumed we were all on the same page after my statement...

    ** I should have said top 3 5 RGs **

    Never was talking about the $3 win weekly / monthlies...

    CREDITS !!   RGs  MR monthlies  Tiered monthly  etc..

    Want another? How about this guy 

    Multi !!!  simple as..;))

    Now you're moving the bar. 

    For what reason ?  So I'm right ?  ( that's never in question )  ;D

    To save me credits ? x3 sleeves ?  phttt

    Gave away more real $$$ in my 1st 4 years here than you will ever spend in your whole career TBH

    Now I earn what I giveaway ( after a disagreement with WGT..( over moderation )

    I just refuse to buy any more, ;/

    STATEMENT still stands..

    Show me a big $ winner..H to TP, not a multi ///

    and I'll send ANYONE 3 sleeves.


    EDIT  You have to be quick though..WGT are doing a better job at weeding them out...whoever is in the top places at the immediate comp closure...may well not be there 2/3 weeks later when it is actually paid out !!

    So the real Pro's etc, are actually winning more these days,
  • xlviii
    502 Posts
    Thu, May 31 2018 5:53 PM

    Why is that guy a multi? Because he has a couple of gold and silver trophies from RGs? He's playing lots of regular RRs, far more than the very few tournaments he plays where he could make some credits.

    I showed you several that were playing well in the Virtual Tour, stuff that pays decently for lower tiers. That's a tiered monthly tournament. You never mentioned RGs or anything that requires you to pay to enter.

    Moving the bar? You did that by excluding a guy I mentioned because he happens to play on mobile at least some of the time. Now you're moving the bar by specifying what competition. 

    You originally said top 5 in ANY competition. Why are you moving the bar? No, I doubt it's to save yourself a few credits but rather not to admit you might be wrong. From my perspective, you asked for something and I provided it. As such, I think you do happen to owe me the three sleeves.

    While I do feel you owe me the balls, more important is an acknowledgment that you were wrong...that not every top 5 in every competition is a multi. Why am I making such a thing about this? Not because I'm desperate for a few credits but because you accused any top player in a lower tier of being a multi. As a guy that happened to win a monthly Virtual Tour event back in March of 2015 (I'm still at L tier because I didn't play for over two years due to time/credit constraints), won 6120 credits in that event (I know how much because I still have the email from WGT), and was accused by some of being a multi, I don't like to see other people who are potentially innocent be accused as I was.

    You should pay up because I proved you wrong. Are there a lot of multis? I'll take your word for it that there are. However, not the top 5 in any competition from Hack to Tour Pro are multis. Whether you decide to honor your challenge or not, I think it's clear that I disproved your original statement.


    Edited for grammar and clarity

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Thu, May 31 2018 6:11 PM

    Let me get this over with tool bar br br p/ an all that shiite ;)

    Why is that guy a multi? Because he has a couple of gold and silver trophies from RGs? He's playing lots of regular RRs, far more than the very few tournaments he plays where he could make some credits.

    See above reply to LS 5


    Moving the bar? You did that by excluding a guy I mentioned because he happens to play on mobile at least some of the time. Now you're moving the bar by specifying what competition. 

    You originally said top 5 in ANY competition. Why are you moving the bar? No, I doubt it's to save yourself a few credits but rather not to admit you might be wrong. From my perspective, you asked for something and I provided it. As such, I think you do happen to owe me the three sleeves.

    While I do feel you owe me the balls, more important is an acknowledgment that you were wrong...that not every top 5 in every competition is a multi. Why am I making such a thing about this?

    I wondered TBH


    Not because I'm desperate for a few credits but because you accused any top player in a lower tier of being a multi. As a guy that happened to win a monthly Virtual Tour event back in March of 2015 (I'm still at L tier because I didn't play for over two years due to time/credit constraints), won 6120 credits in that event (I know how much because I still have the email from WGT), and was accused by some of being a multi, I don't like to see other people who are potentially innocent be accused as I was.

    Now I see

    Whether you decide to honor your challenge or not, I think it's clear that I disproved your original statement
    We agree to disagree

    You should pay up because I proved you wrong.

    Let's see how THAT works out ;/

    EDIT.,What I will do send sleeves to 3 players who deserve imho.

    Anything but give your cryin azz them !! :D

    EDIT2  tightened text with tools.

  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Thu, May 31 2018 6:17 PM

    For just having read all of this stuff, can I get a sleeve of balls (TM, Level 81)?