When I started I made a conscious decision not to put any money into the game. Starter equipment lasted while I learned the game and earned "free" credits. As I built up a bank and learned how the game played I was able to discern what equipment would make a significant impact on play.
Now with this upgraded equipment available to absolute beginners the company has done them an injustice in my view. Perhaps these new players will view the new Titleist putter as the magic wand to transport them to the promised land. We all know this is not true because we have all been down this particular road. There is no magic in golf because only practice and hard work gets someone to the top of this game.
What might happen, in fact, is that the new players who spend money early on will become disillusioned with the game because their investment in equipment does not give an immediate return. I can see a number of drop outs or reluctant buyers because the cost measured against the return is too great for them.
In real golf, no matter the equipment, learning to swing the club properly comes first. Hopefully the new players coming to this site will have that same mindset. Otherwise they will face a lot of frustration the first few weeks.