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Mon, Feb 10 2020 1:59 AM (62 replies)
  • Rick6208
    2,265 Posts
    Thu, Jun 14 2018 12:52 PM

    Hello I’m the Club owner of the Toronto Leaf Fans, we always end up in the Top 20 and sometimes top 15 clubs in this event. We’re not big enough or skilled enough to break into the Top 10 but we’re going get there! 

    Might point is about the prizes awarded for this 48 hour event, 1 Gold putter to the Top Club (really do they take turns using it?)  6 sleeves of balls to second place (every gets one ball ?) and 1 sleeve of balls to 3rd place REALLY ! 

    Come on WGT your prizes have been the same since I joined over a year and half ago, it’s time to up the ante!  No owner should have to pick and choose who gets the PUTTER, DOZEN BALLS, OR A SLEEVE OF BALLS ! If you played in the Clash and your club won you should all get it! Furthermore, I know how hard it is to make the Top 20 in this event, and the prizes for those clubs that do should at least be a sleeve of balls for every member of the club that played and made it to the Top 20 out of thousands of Clubs on WGT !

    ok my RANT is over ! Thanks for reading it

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Thu, Jun 14 2018 9:07 PM

    1 Gold putter to the Top Club (really do they take turns using it?)  6 sleeves of balls to second place (every gets one ball ?) and 1 sleeve of balls to 3rd place REALLY ! 
    Each of the three prizes goes to one player, at the discretion of the owner. Superpasses go to the CC for the next Event, and each player involved in the Event receives the regular passes, preventing him from receiving the free passes.

    The prizes are perfectly fine, with the Golden Calf as the pinnacle of the whole CC pass system: Big benefit for the company, as little as possible benefits for the players.

    IMHO, the only countable benefits for players are the putt and shot pals at CC levels 2&4. The rest is virtual scrap, hiding the fact that it has become much more expensive to get full membership nos of 250 (before: 500 cr owner's investment IIRC).

  • Williams01210021
    1,231 Posts
    Fri, Jun 15 2018 3:27 AM

    it is disgusting the prizes they give out, 1 sleeve for 3rd place? To get third you would have to use tons of balls and passes, 3 balls as a prize to split between potentially 250 members is a joke. There are alot of clubs that take part in the clash, they could make the top 10 worth getting, 4th is the same as 50th and thats only 1 course builder better than 100th which is a joke. They need some new and unique prizes for this to keep people interested.

    1st: Golden Putter+Golden Driver

    2nd: Golden Putter

    3rd: 2 Dozen Balls

    4th 1 Dozen Balls

    5th 3 Sleeves of Balls

    6th 2 Sleeves

    7th 2 Sleeves

    8-10th 1 sleeve


    Also add in some Passes to play carbo and Whistler for free. even if it was 2 passes for top 50. 

    They could also do a random sweepstake prize for top 100 clubs and have a prize for that. 

    Thing is wgt dont realise is that if they made the top 10 prizes better they would probably make more money as more clubs would go for it so more spending of balls and credits. 

  • BobbyJones64
    10 Posts
    Fri, Jun 15 2018 4:14 AM

    I agree with you Rick6208.

    I have another complaint. I cannot see a button for starting a new message on a forum. That is why I am resorting to an off-topic reply.

    Two issues in playing a stroke play challenge from a friend: 

    1-Lately I have "earned" a Tin Water Boy award every time I have played the 18-hole US Open course (which is really various holes from the usual courses). Yet when I finish it does not appear in the list of my round awards.

    2-In my round awards it shows "0 consecutive days played" but still awards the XP for the category.

    What is happening? Can they be fixed?


  • Rick6208
    2,265 Posts
    Fri, Jun 15 2018 5:49 AM

    Great point Williams ! Yes without a doubt it’s time for WGT to increase the Pizes and spread them to Top10 or 20 Clubs

  • Rick6208
    2,265 Posts
    Fri, Jun 15 2018 6:34 AM

    Bobby I would click on the WGT icon , then MY ACCOUNT, from there under help you can send a message directly to WGT . They are pretty good at resolving issues

    I hope this helps

  • Alain760
    351 Posts
    Fri, Jun 15 2018 6:55 AM

    I completely agree, i play clash event for a year now and i see more and more country club who doesnt play it cause the effort you put to reach the top 20 is ridiculously rewarded by WGT. The result will be that clash event will be deserted more and more, so WGT please review your prices and by the way increase your choice of courses THANKS.

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Fri, Jun 15 2018 7:48 AM

    I have another complaint. I cannot see a button for starting a new message on a forum. That is why I am resorting to an off-topic reply.

    Two issues in playing a stroke play challenge from a friend: 

    1-Lately I have "earned" a Tin Water Boy award every time I have played the 18-hole US Open course (which is really various holes from the usual courses). Yet when I finish it does not appear in the list of my round awards.

    2-In my round awards it shows "0 consecutive days played" but still awards the XP for the category.

    What is happening? Can they be fixed?

    0) With only a few forum posts, you are on moderation. Until that ceases (about 30 posts), you can open threads only in one or a few forums. Try community help. Also, the thread  How to contact us and what to do in case of errors or bugs may be good for subsequent questions.

    1) This is due to a programmed flaw - well known for 5(?) months. It doesn't really matter but you receive more XPs that way.

    2) To me, the streak (and the XPs) would be more important than the number. Another flaw of the game, and many of these stay unfixed "forever".

    Have fun!

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Fri, Jun 15 2018 8:54 AM

    1-Lately I have "earned" a Tin Water Boy award every time I have played the 18-hole US Open course (which is really various holes from the usual courses). Yet when I finish it does not appear in the list of my round awards.

    The USVO is a Custom Course, that is why you get the tin water boy. 

    Your next game, you will get all kinds of bonuses

  • Rick6208
    2,265 Posts
    Sat, Jun 16 2018 7:33 AM

    Correction on the current Price Breakdown 

    1st Place - 1 Gold Putter

    2nd Place - 1 Dozen Balls

    3rd Place - 6 Balls

    This is the current Prizes given by WGT to the Top 3 Clubs in the Club Clash Event

    I have NO WORDS to describe how CHEAP this is !!