Back in the day, when all the bugs were on the PC instead of the the mobile version, my avatar used to disappear completely! It was just the ball and a club, and we just played the game as if it was normal because it really doesn't make one bit of difference....ur supposed to be looking at the meter! It's just a game, the result matters, not how pretty it is....
Why wouldn't they have a custom avatar for 500,000 credits, so far nobody has done it, but people buy millions of powerball tickets daily, imagine 300 something million thimbles on a gymnasium floor and you have to pick out which one has the "pea" under it before you spend that next $2 LOL(for the record, I spend $10 every time it goes over $200 million, however I won't be buying the "custom avatar")
Remember, before you ask for something new to be added to the game, every time they add a feature to the game, something else goes crazy and it takes weeks to fix....just sayin!