Great stuff, all the tutorials are great way to start as a new player to learn, still read them from time to time to refresh my memory.
Putting being 43% of any given round, why have we not considered implementing the Putt Blitz format, which I posted as a suggestion (included) some time ago? Anyone reading these suggestions, most of the hot threads are related to putting, distance control, putting green, etc..
Keep up the great work, appreciate the site! (do miss my family though, LOL).
Hope that my fellow golfers agree, and support the Putt Blitz!
Thanks, VatoWoods
Posted in November 2010**
Dear WGT, Wanted to suggest a Putt Blitz format, consisting of strictly putting, if nobody has yet to include one? The recent Blitz game has been a lot of fun to play, is not time consuming, and has strengthened my iron play, with accuracy and consistency! Implementing a Putt Blitz format with 9 holes of challenging putt distances, breaks, elevation, etc..would not only be fun, but also improve another area of our respective games. Thanks, VatoWoods