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Thu, Dec 20 2018 9:01 AM (10 replies)
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  • gonfission
    2,241 Posts
    Thu, Dec 20 2018 9:01 AM

    alosso, you are 99% helpful, from what I read of your posts. What it takes with CS to moderate you, is as fickle as women. Something I will never understand, so I don't bother trying. They hate each other, & that's all I need to know. I am surprised to hear you were moderated at all.

    All I stated was, my experience with CS has been positive, with ALL queries I have sent, not just Mod ones, have been concise, & informatively answered.

    That is not meant to diminish your experiences with them.

    Consider the source, should be the first step. In your case, I am confused why you were moderated. I don't read all the forums, so I can not comment on your specific entanglement.

    We can all be harsh at times to others, or worse, to ourselves. I think CS has guidelines to enforce evenly, to all.

    However, the punishment seems over the top, considering the infractions. To some, IMO.

    The lack of information people are complaining about, from CS, I believe falls under the category of, "You know what you did, we need not remind you".

    In psychology, it is always prudent to have the individual work out their own answers, to their problems. Thus, understanding better what not to do in the future, for themselves.

    It is a failed concept, in the psychotic community, IMO.

    If your predicament was CC derived, I am doubly confused as to your moderation. I have posted many things in the CC forum, (from which I can still post without moderation oversight), that would have most likely caused a complete ban from this game.

    The difference is, others joined in, and no one complained. It was all done with humorous intent.

    The mods are respondent to the thin skinned weasels in here, that start BS purposely, then complain to CS, when they are called out on their BS.

    I can tell you to not walk on the train tracks, however, that is not going to stop you from doing it. When the train barely misses your dumb ass, (not you), for being somewhere you shouldn't, you come to self realization, of the danger involved.

    That can't be taught. It has to be experienced, to sink into the grey matter.

    You can hardly disagree to my experiences - they are as real as are the reports here.

    I will not condemn that statement, as it is apropos to your unique situation.

    I merely am putting forth, that we know what we did, CS has no intention of entering into a futile debate.

    Since a malicious person has been silenced 6 months ago, the forums have been quite innocuous, and mostly boring. To me. I only speak for myself, never others. The person of interest, continuously taunted the community, with misanthropic behavior, while calling out everyone but himself.

    His time is justly deserved IMO...

    I am finding out that the old time posters in here, have all been silenced, or have left, over moderation. I am surprised at the amount of people I meet, that are on moderation. Some forever.

    This is a social site. Any engagement in a conversation is always open to disagreement. This is where I think WGT has failed, EPICALLY!

    If a person does not like another person, then don't engage each other, skip to the next post...Take your ball & go home, save some frustration...

    It will never happen, because the whiners in here, are the minority. Do I have to tell you who is corrupting society? I don't think so.

    Until WGT serves up punishment equally, the song remains the same. I like this game for it's social values. I have played IRL with complete strangers from this site. I am richer for having done so.

    I will be doing it again on your continent soon, with others. After that, I'm out. I don't associate with detrimental minorities, bent on the destruction of fun.

    I have a limited time on this orb. I've paid my dues world wide. It's time for carefree fun now.

    I told you I have no bones with you, and, can never foresee a situation that would change that. You're intelligent, and helpful, almost to a fault. Those are your core values, and something 90% of the communities of the planet, could learn from.

    90% of the worlds population are MORONS!

    The rest of the 10% of US, are always endangered of being infected, by them. ;-)

    Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, or, what ever else, you may identify with alosso.

    Personally, I identify as a tostada now. Something good, anytime of the day, or night. Can't go wrong with a tostada these days.

    Amurica, what a country. I can marry my shoe now, the left one. The right one, is the wrong one, it's to snarky, even for me...:-))

    Feliz Navidad

    Tostada Boy & left shoe out!


    P.S. I believe sincerity is the greatest gift one human can bestow upon another. The above is my gift to you this season. Sincerity does not always arrive in a flattering form. To receive it in any form, is acknowledging its truth, and then acting responsibly.

    Y'all can quote me on that morsel  

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