Ok fellas. People have been trying to determine how many ranked rounds they have played in their current tier, and are not sure how many they need to play in order to level up to the next lever. I have a formula to share for those interested.
First you will need a baseline for your average that is to the 4th decimal. For example you current score is 59.4310. This will be you baseline.
Second you will need to play a round of golf. Let’s say you play 9 holes and put up a 27. You will need to double the number to get to a 18 hole number. This will be a 54 off of a 9 hole 27 score.
After you play this round you will want to see what your new average is. Let’s say your new average is now 59.4034. You will need to take your baseline number of 59.4310 and subtract your new average of 59.4034. In this case the number would be .0276.
From here you will take your new average 59.4034 minus your last round of 54. This equals 5.4034. Take the 5.4034 and divide it by your drop in average(5.4034/.0276). This will give you a number of 195.77. This is how many ranked rounds you have in your current tier.