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flush your cache

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Fri, Aug 5 2011 3:22 PM (16 replies)
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    5,835 Posts
    Wed, Aug 3 2011 5:27 AM

    I use Google Chrome for WGT, it is set to clear everything when i close it, so each time i open it, it is a fresh cache & cookie free browser.


    I rarely get meter lag.

  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Wed, Aug 3 2011 7:10 AM


    I use Google Chrome for WGT, it is set to clear everything when i close it, so each time i open it, it is a fresh cache & cookie free browser.


    I rarely get meter lag.


    Check your flash cache, I bet there's stuff still on it.


  • PugsAce
    1,825 Posts
    Wed, Aug 3 2011 3:45 PM



    I use Google Chrome for WGT, it is set to clear everything when i close it, so each time i open it, it is a fresh cache & cookie free browser. 

    I rarely get meter lag.

    Check your flash cache, I bet there's stuff still on it.

    Yep. I wouldn't want Chrome-enabled Flash Cache clearing after each browser session (don't know if that's even one of Chrome's features).

    Having to reset all the game's options each time I opened the client would be a royal pain.

    When I do clear my Flash Cache, I do it thinking that "old files" (corrupted, or not - by what, or whomever) will then be re-freshed with "new/proper files" as they become necessary. Just by confronting the need for these files, while playing the different courses and their conditions, as well as using balls or clubs that may have been "bug-fixed", these "modified files" are added to the cache in place of the flushed ones.

    With all the updates that are made (evidenced by the version number changes), I feel that a lot of the problems that people have (myself included) are partially caused by having conflicts between "old cache files" and "new cache files" as they are called-up during a game - the effects ranging from minor delays or screen-stutters, to all-out crashes of the gameclient screen.

    These reasons for clearing the cache (which is basically a set of instructions) aren't necessarily as obvious to others as they are to some of us who try to keep-up with at least the basics of how all this works. Those who are "geeks" (and I use that term with the best possible intentions - as I am truly envious of their wide-ranging knowledge and talents) seem to know this stuff innately, and may feel that it is thus "common sense"... which it isn't.

    To be safe (to have the least possible problems), I clear my caches after each "published" update, when new courses, items, or features are introduced to the game, and when I experience "hmmmm..." moments. Sure... the new files may cause a slight delay while they are downloading, but I think it's worth having less problems in the long run.

    Whether or not WGT's "minor version changes" warrant cache-flushing, I think, is still a matter up for debate. For instance, if a developer has a "Eureka Moment" about a wedge that wasn't programmed properly (initially), and changes the attributes of said wedge, are those files "held for release" until a "major update", or are they snuck-into a minor version change? As there is no published list of version changes, we are left to decide on our own when to update our caches.

    Sorry this was so long... but I felt the "detail" was once-again necessary.

    5,835 Posts
    Thu, Aug 4 2011 11:44 PM

    Check your flash cache, I bet there's stuff still on it.

    I empty that one once a week.

    Having to reset all the game's options each time I opened the client would be a royal pain.


    I have to re-enable just 4 options.

    • WGT lessons button  - OFF
    • Best Flash - ON
    • Background loading - ON
    • Avatar Angles - ON

    This is done at the beginning of the first game each day.

    Having the meter glitch would be more of a royal pain i would assume.


    Although since  doing the registry edit by Neil110772 found here:

    I haven't had a meter glitch in a long time.


    But I still clear all my Chrome files everytime i close it down.




  • griffygriff
    597 Posts
    Fri, Aug 5 2011 3:07 AM

    i play with the

    avatar angles off

    background off

    aim arc off

    aerial multi cam off

    reflections off

    quality best

    lessons off

    You don't need any of these things 99% of the time...of course you can turn one on for a shot  if needed and turn it back off again after. My meter smoothed out a lot since i started using these settings. 

    5,835 Posts
    Fri, Aug 5 2011 4:15 AM

    You don't need any of these things 99% of the time.

    true , dont really need colours or shadows or water reflections either.

    Dont really need sound.... or a Chat box

    My meter smoothed out a lot since i started using these settings. 

    I bet it did.

    I like to have everything enabled,  as most people do?

    its the way its best..and then get the peripheral stuff to allow that.

    Systems these days should run these simple games without flinching.

    I guess Angry Birds might even be an issue for some too though.

    We arent playing Crysis or manipulating videos here....

    99% of the time is system issues why the game doesn't run smooth, not... 'server'.


  • PugsAce
    1,825 Posts
    Fri, Aug 5 2011 3:22 PM


    Having to reset all the game's options each time I opened the client would be a royal pain.


    I have to re-enable just 4 options.

    • WGT lessons button  - OFF
    • Best Flash - ON
    • Background loading - ON
    • Avatar Angles - ON

    This is done at the beginning of the first game each day.

    Having the meter glitch would be more of a royal pain i would assume.

    Clearing the cache means resetting more than I'd like to... maybe not necessarily a "royal" pain, but a PITA, no less.   lol  ;)

    I use Iron and only manually clear it's cache (cookies, temp files, etc...) from time to time, but I don't give it control over my Flash cache.

    Here are my game settings that have given me the smoothest meter, loads, and gameplay: 

    ( I know... I know... it doesn't make sense to me either WHY having some them ENABLED gives me a better meter, but since I've done it, I've had very few meter stutters... meaning only 1 every-other 9-hole multiplayer round, and virtually NONE while in single-play or CTTH.)  <fingers crossed>

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