#bossbird... I just stumbled across this thread... and noticed something... it sounds like and correct me if I am wrong... you actually wish for a club's level or competition to also be tied to your club's membership tier and WGT averages... It could be deemed you are getting appropriate matchups with other lower level clubs... but the other club simply is made up of experienced players who decided to start a new club... they may both be level 6 for instance but there is a qualitative difference in the experience level within each club... that sounds like a concern or complaint WGT is unlikely to try and unravel...
on the other side of this... consider the option... you select to start a TW and it then cycles for 24-36 hours or more waiting for an eventual "ideal or perfect" matchup... I think you would be just as peeved... having to wait forever for a matchup... so WGT attempts to give you the best possible matchup of those clubs available at the moment... the same thing tends to happen in the coin games and clashes... if you get on the same "timing" or interval as the top players and/or clash clubs who go hard every round, you are likely to get a lot of tough matchups... the idea is... just sit out for 15- 30 minutes wait for the clash cows to match up then start your own cycle which will likely give you more reasonable matchups...
It sounds like you did a fairly reasonable thing by sitting out, let them spend their credits on the TW... they are generating the revenue for WGT that keeps the cost of balls down for the rest of us... if those clubs that spend crazy number of credits of club passes didn't do so for TW and clashes then WGT may end up looking into altering the payouts again for tournaments or heaven forbid the cost of balls and that makes it harder for players to earn credits or keep replacing balls to keep playing if they don't have access to the 2 credit videos, which at the moment don't appear to be working consistently.