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Turf wars and clashes

Wed, Jan 23 2019 6:32 PM (20 replies)
  • Rick6208
    2,268 Posts
    Wed, Jan 16 2019 10:33 AM

    Bossbird I feel your pain ! My Club went through the exact same thing as I was growing it ! we were happy to hit 200k at the beginning and Winning a game, than we hit the 500 k mark and we thought that was fantastic, The first time we hit the 1 Million mark we were over the Moon, a year and a half later we now hit 70 million and up! and have lost and won some close games in the 70 to 90 Million mark area ! So it will get better as your members move up in tiers and get the confidence to play in the Higher paying rooms !

    My complaint now with Turf Wars is we still get paired up with what I call DEAD CLUBS lol maybe 150 to 200 members but NOBODY in that club is playing, I do a Club Search and find out that most of that clubs members have not played in 2 years or more , a lot of the times the Owner has not played in years lol so they have a half a dozen members playing and quite frankly we just wipe them out! I also end up posting on their active members wall , Hey come join an ACTIVE CLUB and some do lol

    I have ask WGT to review these DEAD CLUBS and remove them from the game , it will make the completion stronger and hopefully lead to a better game

  • SlickHunter
    1,034 Posts
    Wed, Jan 16 2019 10:41 AM

    Yeah it would be nice to match clubs with the same level, or at least close the opposing club. If somehow WGT manage to do that, then players will request to be match against the same tier..NEVER ENDS..this game gets even better, when it forces you to play your best against much tougher opponent. So what if you always lose, that makes you keep coming back. For me, if this game is a walk in the park, I would’ve have left it long time ago. I have few games that I spent thousands of dollars, ended up leaving them because they became too easy. 

    All I want is a Lady Caddy!

  • bossbird
    2,252 Posts
    Wed, Jan 16 2019 11:08 AM

    Thanks everyone for their contributions , just keep plodding on then ! 

  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Wed, Jan 16 2019 11:13 AM

    The only easy way to make the events more fair is at the stage of awarding prizes. I would think this could be easily accomplished. 

    Simply make the awarding of prizes a random draw. And one could set a threshold clubs would have to meet in order to qualify for the draw. It could be a draw from the top 25, top 50, or top 100 clubs. 

    But I seriously doubt WGT would do that because a simple random draw eliminates the incentive to play dozens of rounds because it takes out of play where one finishes. 

    Another approach that would keep the incentive to play would be a random draw from the top 10 or top 25 clubs with clubs placing higher receiving more entries in the draw. For example, it could look something like this:

    Number of entries based on placement
    First place: 100 entries
    Second place: 75 entries
    Third place: 50 entries
    Fourth place: 25 entries
    Fifth through 25th place: 5 entries each

    Chances of winning
    First place: 28.2%
    Second place: 21.1%
    Third place: 14.1%
    Fourth place: 7.0%
    Fifth through 25th place: 1.4% (for each)

    That's just an initial attempt, and I believe I have the numbers/percentages correct (please note: percents will not add exactly to 100% due to rounding). Obviously, it could be tweaked any number of different ways. 

  • borntobesting
    9,751 Posts
    Wed, Jan 16 2019 11:30 AM

    Here is a message that I sent to Shoe nearly 5 years ago and his reply


    What might be a fair way to hold the clashes is to have 3 or 4 different clashes going on at once.

    1 for very small CC's under 50 members 

    1 for slightly larger CC's under 100 members

    1 for larger CC's under 200 members 

    and lastly 1 for the super large CC's over 200 members.

    There still might be a lopsided matches but not nearly so bad as it is now where you could have a 250 member CC playing a very small CC.  



    on 05 Dec 2014 at 11:54 AM

    We looked at something like that, but the problem becomes there are a few small clubs that are just loaded with TL's and they would destroy the smaller clubs who have a small membership due to them just starting.  There needs to be some changes just hard to find one that evens the playing field.

    - WGTdbloshoe

  • TopShelf2010
    10,968 Posts
    Wed, Jan 16 2019 11:50 AM


  • bossbird
    2,252 Posts
    Wed, Jan 16 2019 12:12 PM

    Thanks b2b , so five years ago wgt admitted there was an unfair playing field , and still things persist, I think that alone tells me to shut up and put up ! 

  • Luckystar5
    1,641 Posts
    Wed, Jan 16 2019 1:49 PM

    Turf wars, as it was explained to me, you're matched up with anot her club that has about the same amount of "trophies" that each club has won.  Has nothing to do with club size or level.  Many high leveled clubs, don't participate heavily in turf wars, so their trophy count may be low, which may match, or come close to matching your count.  So you're paired with them.  This is the explaination I got,  wether it's true or not, who knows. Good luck. 

  • HackWilson1930
    1,437 Posts
    Thu, Jan 17 2019 5:11 AM

    The clashes and turf wars that WGT sponsors are not set up to be fair. On that we all agree. Many suggestions for improvement have been offered. Again we all agree with this. Yet country clubs still regularly take part in these events showing their desire to compete against other clubs.

    Most of the answers to the desire for this kind of competition can be found in the forum under the Community Organized Tournaments heading. People like PaulFinn52, who is the director of the well received World Cup have created real competitions that pit country clubs against each other. 

    I have participated in several head to head country club challenge events. Yes, it takes some doing to organize these events and arrange for the matches. But the reward is worth far more than the token participation victory given  to a clash winner. (When a winner is simply the club that can purchase and use the most passes in a given time, it is a participation ribbon.)

    To get a true and fair club vs. club event: set up a team of willing participants and challenge another club. WGT won't be involved so you set the rules This gets around the unfair clash or turf war and is far more rewarding  than the WGT participation trophy.

  • middbrew
    319 Posts
    Thu, Jan 17 2019 6:40 AM

    As far as Turf Wars go, a lot of it is about timing. You need to reach a certain amount of used CC passes to be able to trigger it. So one way to attempt to play another club with the same level of competition as yours is to contact another club and see if you can hit the 'start button' at the same time. This won't guarantee the matchup, but it will go a long ways in getting it done.