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Turf wars and clashes

Wed, Jan 23 2019 6:32 PM (20 replies)
  • bossbird
    2,252 Posts
    Wed, Jan 16 2019 4:24 AM

    has anyone got the ear of those in wgt who make decisions ? The reason I ask is because I keep writing to them to suggest a fairer way of making the draws in these competitions , and sadly I get no response. I am the owner of a level 6 club , wanting to compete in both turf wars and clash , but I want to compete against other clubs of my level. We have just been beaten by a club full of champions and tour champions who scored more than one billion in the turf war, we didn’t even play as they hit hard instantly it was obvious we stood no chance. So we bought passes to trigger the next one quickly in the hopes of a fairer draw. And now we have a level 15 club , again full of champions and tour champions ! So again we cannot compete. It wouldn’t be difficult surely to introduce a fairer system , perhaps of establishing leagues , so this doesn’t continue. If nothing happens to this effect , the smaller clubs will just give up trying. 

  • TopShelf2010
    10,968 Posts
    Wed, Jan 16 2019 5:01 AM


  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Wed, Jan 16 2019 7:04 AM


    I think you need to think about what you really want to achieve in the clashes or turf wars. If you're going to define competing by the sole metric of winning, then you're correct. You're not going to be able to compete.

    But here's the thing, that's true for a lot of clubs, even high-level clubs filled with champions. There are some clubs who go "all in" on these events. Most clubs are unlikely to match them. That's just the way it is.

    But if you were to define competition more broadly and view it as just another way to have some fun on here, then you can "compete."

    That's basically how the club I'm in approaches clash events. The club's stated goal is simply to be in the top 50. If we accomplish that and have some fun along the way, we "won." 

    I think the second way is the better approach. That's especially so since the prize for winning these things is more spectacle than substance (i.e. the prize looks shiny and nice but really lacks substance). 

    That's just my 2 cents. 

  • bossbird
    2,252 Posts
    Wed, Jan 16 2019 7:58 AM

    Sorry Don , i don’t quite find your comments all that helpful other than that this is an issue raised many times. My complaint isn’t against the clubs that we are drawn against , it’s to request that wgt try and make the system fairer. As for becoming a level 19 club , that is definitely not going to happen , and I wouldn’t expect the complaint to come from a level 19 club , when they are drawn against a level six. And as for lessons learnt I take it you do not feel we should be playing in the clash and turf war then ! Just because things have always been this way , it shouldn’t mean it cannot change . 

  • bossbird
    2,252 Posts
    Wed, Jan 16 2019 8:00 AM

    THANk you for reply Robert , it does allow me to look at this in a slightly different manner. As far as clashes are concerned we try and finish in the top 100 , which I consider is a success for a small club 

  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Wed, Jan 16 2019 8:15 AM


    You're very welcome.

    And while Don can certainly speak for himself, I think one of his points is that because it's always been this way, in spite of many requests for change, it's extremely unlikely to change. 

    In theory, you're correct. Simply because something has been the same way for so long that does not mean it cannot change.

    In practice, it's WGT. If it's been that way for so long and many players have asked for changes, it's probably not going to change. And I think the reason is just practical. I just don't think they place clashes or turf wars on their priority list of things that need to be "fixed." Indeed, I doubt they even view them as "broken." 

  • bossbird
    2,252 Posts
    Wed, Jan 16 2019 8:21 AM

    Yes RObert sadly you are probably correct. I was just hoping that wgt may at some time realise more fairness could be achieved , but then life isn’t fair , so I don’t suppose I should expect this game to be. Thanks for your input. 

  • el3n1
    4,505 Posts
    Wed, Jan 16 2019 8:55 AM

    #bossbird... I just stumbled across this thread... and noticed something... it sounds like and correct me if I am wrong... you actually wish for a club's level or competition to also be tied to your club's membership tier and WGT averages... It could be deemed you are getting appropriate matchups with other lower level clubs... but the other club simply is made up of experienced players who decided to start a new club... they may both be level 6 for instance but there is a qualitative difference in the experience level within each club... that sounds like a concern or complaint WGT is unlikely to try and unravel... 

    on the other side of this... consider the option... you select to start a TW and it then cycles for 24-36 hours or more waiting for an eventual "ideal or perfect" matchup... I think you would be just as peeved... having to wait forever for a matchup... so WGT attempts to give you the best possible matchup of those clubs available at the moment... the same thing tends to happen in the coin games and clashes... if you get on the same "timing" or interval as the top players and/or clash clubs who go hard every round, you are likely to get a lot of tough matchups... the idea is... just sit out for 15- 30 minutes wait for the clash cows to match up then start your own cycle which will likely give you more reasonable matchups... 

    It sounds like you did a fairly reasonable thing by sitting out, let them spend their credits on the TW... they are generating the revenue for WGT that keeps the cost of balls down for the rest of us... if those clubs that spend crazy number of credits of club passes didn't do so for TW and clashes then WGT may end up looking into altering the payouts again for tournaments or heaven forbid the cost of balls and that makes it harder for players to earn credits or keep replacing balls to keep playing if they don't have access to the 2 credit videos, which at the moment don't appear to be working consistently.

  • bossbird
    2,252 Posts
    Wed, Jan 16 2019 9:13 AM

    Thanks for your input el3n1, I was hoping for a system that would take in to account a club level , and understand not everything can be pigeon holed or perfect, just a step in the right direction. I have no idea how many clubs actually exist but I hazard a guess there are a lot more lower level clubs , than those up at level 18 + , but the number of times we get drawn against level 18 or 19 , is rather high. Anyway , thanks ,we will continue to do what we think is right for us and try to compete as best as we can. 

  • el3n1
    4,505 Posts
    Wed, Jan 16 2019 9:29 AM

    No worries, i was just trying to explain club level alone doesnt resolve your concern... and i dont have exact number of clubs either, but the next question would be how many of the clubs are active and participate... while wgt list 15,000,000 members i believe that number includes accounts that go dormant, multi acct players, restarts, and those accounts wgt shut down... i think there is even a few clubs in the Tws listed in the top 50 but they dont play anymore or the club died down... so it is the most active people and clubs we are likely to see most often and that increases the odds you see them in tw's even if wgt has and does use ideal metrics for matching you up.... they can not fix or make clubs participate that you prefer to play... so we get and see who is available...