JDGHOST: I went down to .44 than shot a 6 under and POOF back up to .45 lol so much for the saturation.....
Good to hear that the freeze is over!
When a player approaches L, TL or C saturation, the law of the big number becomes dominant. Any single extraordinary score's impact is limited by the number of scores in the denominator, 800. 900, up to 999 for Cs.
After 900 scores, any score within 8 strokes of the average may disappear in the two-digit display, because 8/900 = 0.0089 might be eliminated by rounding. That said, your recent 24 = 48 should have moved the average.
Consider to shoot a 100 under averaging conditions to see a real jump of the average - .05 up! It would also help to discover saturation, because, on it's elimination by score #1001, an equivalent jump down would happen!
And it costs you only one round towards promotion...