Getting to TC isn't the be all and end all. I know a WGT member, a Champ, who played nothing but easy tees for 6 months and got to TC. What's the point except to hang a badge on your name?
I can give him 2 strokes I'll beat him in match play every time. So his TC badge doesn't mean much to me. fmagnets, birchi, and several others I know, that is different.
It might take me 2 years longer, but I prefer to get there the normal way. And, if and when I do, I might be able to compete with the real top players. I like to think my game is still improving. But there is no reason to be a TC before I'm good enough to compete with those guys.
(With respect to averages, it's 55.00 for TC, 500 rounds minimum except some got grand-fathered on 200 rounds before last rules change. That said, WGT has always reserved right to advance players more quickly on unspecified criteria … like winning too many WGT tournaments, for example.)