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Super Passes and Clash Question

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Wed, Dec 13 2023 4:19 PM (25 replies)
  • rjteeithi
    686 Posts
    Fri, Jun 28 2019 4:13 PM

    Im wondering how super passes work. Ive read many posts on the forum and also looked at the event help page to find this answer but have gotten no joy.

    If Im correct we have 16 SPs at the beginning of the event, plus we get 2 at the beginning of each clash.

    How are these used? are we using all 16 on the 1st clash, and then using the free two for the others? 

    Can they be divided up throughout the 8 -10 clashes?

    Plumb me up please

    The reason Im asking is that we are playing in a clash vs a club that seems to have more that two SPs available, thus destroying us in what was a pretty nip and tuck clash.


    thanks, Joe

  • AlaskanDame
    19,842 Posts
    Fri, Jun 28 2019 6:18 PM

    Can they be divided up throughout the 8 -10 clashes?

    And yes, there are 2 more at the beginning of each round, whether you used any in the prior round or not.

    Your owner determines who can use the SP's by designating categories of Directors, Veterans, Members, Recruits, or a combination of those.

    Clubs differ on their strategy for use, but most try to have more than 2 SP's per round available on Day 2 in order to help win over clubs who might have used their initial stash up on Day 1 and are down to only getting the 2/rd on Day 2.

  • rjteeithi
    686 Posts
    Fri, Jun 28 2019 8:06 PM

    Thank you for your reply



  • borntobesting
    9,783 Posts
    Sat, Jun 29 2019 4:12 AM


    Can they be divided up throughout the 8 -10 clashes?

    And yes, there are 2 more at the beginning of each round, whether you used any in the prior round or not.

    Your owner determines who can use the SP's by designating categories of Directors, Veterans, Members, Recruits, or a combination of those.

    Clubs differ on their strategy for use, but most try to have more than 2 SP's per round available on Day 2 in order to help win over clubs who might have used their initial stash up on Day 1 and are down to only getting the 2/rd on Day 2.

    Unfortunately it doesn't work like that in our CC. By the time round 2 begins usually all we have left is the 2 free ones at the start of the round.

    I have seen us use all 19 in one clash against a CC that didn't even play,

    I have asked our players to use them sparingly so we can have enough in the later clashes but they still use all of ours in the first clash. Then we struggle the rest of the clash.

    I did say 19 that was not a typo. We won 3 extra in Turf wars. 

  • Turalyon
    95 Posts
    Sat, Jun 29 2019 5:00 AM

    So your setting is that anybody can use them? You can limit that in settings. Our management distributes sp’s to the players that are “hot” at that moment.

  • Luckystar5
    1,641 Posts
    Sat, Jun 29 2019 6:31 AM


    Can they be divided up throughout the 8 -10 clashes?

    And yes, there are 2 more at the beginning of each round, whether you used any in the prior round or not.

    Your owner determines who can use the SP's by designating categories of Directors, Veterans, Members, Recruits, or a combination of those.

    Clubs differ on their strategy for use, but most try to have more than 2 SP's per round available on Day 2 in order to help win over clubs who might have used their initial stash up on Day 1 and are down to only getting the 2/rd on Day 2.

    Unfortunately it doesn't work like that in our CC. By the time round 2 begins usually all we have left is the 2 free ones at the start of the round.

    I have seen us use all 19 in one clash against a CC that didn't even play,

    I have asked our players to use them sparingly so we can have enough in the later clashes but they still use all of ours in the first clash. Then we struggle the rest of the clash.

    I did say 19 that was not a typo. We won 3 extra in Turf wars. 

    Morning joe, I assume that you are referring to the clash, against us. We only had 3 more superpasses than your club had, the final score was 9442 to your 2072. 3 superpasses in no way adds up to that kind of score.But we had 37 members shoot against you, and a couple of them shot as many as 14 rounds. It didn't hurt that we were on the par 5 course either. Motivate your members, get them involved, and yes don't shoot all your supers in one event. We had 3 events, where we didn't use 1 super, due to enough members firing scores, and we averaged over 7000 plus points per clash. Good luck to u.
  • BHenke2
    397 Posts
    Sat, Jun 29 2019 8:16 AM


    Unfortunately it doesn't work like that in our CC. By the time round 2 begins usually all we have left is the 2 free ones at the start of the round.

    I have seen us use all 19 in one clash against a CC that didn't even play,

    I have asked our players to use them sparingly so we can have enough in the later clashes but they still use all of ours in the first clash. Then we struggle the rest of the clash.

    Yep this is not cool. If this is really causing problems and you don't mind making a few changes this is what I would do. Make a club policy on use of super passes then anyone who agrees to the rules you establish about them make them your club veterans. If anyone abuses the club rules of super passes in the future just take away their veteran status and they no longer can use them. 

  • Luckystar5
    1,641 Posts
    Sat, Jun 29 2019 8:38 AM
    Unfortunately, there are a number of things that play into this problem. Some members, if they have been long term with the club, feel that they deserve to be able to use them, even if their scoring avg is not so good, not cool. Others may not have the funds to buy reg passes, and since superpasses are free, they jump on them, again, not cool. Henkes advice is spot on, if you follow that, you will be better off, and that's, cool.
  • DoctorLarry
    4,323 Posts
    Sat, Jun 29 2019 1:12 PM



    Unfortunately it doesn't work like that in our CC. By the time round 2 begins usually all we have left is the 2 free ones at the start of the round.

    I have seen us use all 19 in one clash against a CC that didn't even play,

    I have asked our players to use them sparingly so we can have enough in the later clashes but they still use all of ours in the first clash. Then we struggle the rest of the clash.

    Yep this is not cool. If this is really causing problems and you don't mind making a few changes this is what I would do. Make a club policy on use of super passes then anyone who agrees to the rules you establish about them make them your club veterans. If anyone abuses the club rules of super passes in the future just take away their veteran status and they no longer can use them. 

    Good advice and Joe would definitely agree with you.  I was in that CC and understand exactly what he is saying.  Some players that could not make a birdie if their life depended on it will grab a SP if available!  Sounds harsh but it is true.  The previous owner, Joe, and I and a few others tried hard but it was hard to get much activity by many club members.  There were a number of really good ones and a lot of no-shows.

    Sorry Joe - I don't mean to speak for you and I don't mean to degrade the great members that are there, but there are problems that I had no idea how to improve.  God bless.

  • AlaskanDame
    19,842 Posts
    Sat, Jun 29 2019 2:07 PM



    Can they be divided up throughout the 8 -10 clashes?

    And yes, there are 2 more at the beginning of each round, whether you used any in the prior round or not.

    Your owner determines who can use the SP's by designating categories of Directors, Veterans, Members, Recruits, or a combination of those.

    Clubs differ on their strategy for use, but most try to have more than 2 SP's per round available on Day 2 in order to help win over clubs who might have used their initial stash up on Day 1 and are down to only getting the 2/rd on Day 2.

    Unfortunately it doesn't work like that in our CC. By the time round 2 begins usually all we have left is the 2 free ones at the start of the round.

    I have seen us use all 19 in one clash against a CC that didn't even play,

    I have asked our players to use them sparingly so we can have enough in the later clashes but they still use all of ours in the first clash. Then we struggle the rest of the clash.

    I did say 19 that was not a typo. We won 3 extra in Turf wars. 

    That means, for whatever reason, your club owner is unwilling to use “tools” to remedy the situation.  Unlike your club, where it appears almost everyone is designated “veteran,” FAPC designates almost everyone as “Member,” and my club understands why.  And for the two days of the Clash, I even change some Directors to Members because they would never use a super pass anyway, and that leaves me slots to fill with low-scoring non-Directors when the situation calls for not even allowing super passes for “Veterans.”

    Not criticizing your club’s owner, mind you, as clubs should have a variety of ways to approach WGT, just trying to help the OP understand based on his original question.