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Longest Drive Course

Sat, Feb 24 2024 9:49 AM (52 replies)
  • jonobro
    22 Posts
    Sun, Aug 21 2011 8:30 PM

    Which course and hole is the best for trying to hit a longest drive. Mine currently is 363 and I have the lvl 62 r9 which goes 275 on average. Thanks in advance.

  • TarheelsRule
    5,627 Posts
    Sun, Aug 21 2011 8:47 PM

    St Andrews for sure.

    I think several of the holes have yielded drives over 400

  • jonobro
    22 Posts
    Sun, Aug 21 2011 8:57 PM


    St Andrews for sure.

    I think several of the holes have yielded drives over 400

    Which holes in particular?

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Sun, Aug 21 2011 9:40 PM



    St Andrews for sure.

    I think several of the holes have yielded drives over 400

    Which holes in particular?

    5,6, 10, 15, 16



  • golfstriker
    19 Posts
    Mon, Aug 22 2011 2:19 AM

    the long drives come on st andrews because the wind on that course is VERY VERY VERY ferocious

  • AGArgent
    343 Posts
    Mon, Aug 22 2011 8:12 AM

    Don't forget helpful, propelling greenward kicks off of a fairway undulation. Same at George's.

  • Pryke
    295 Posts
    Thu, Aug 25 2011 5:44 AM

    My longest is 337 using TM Burner Superfast 2 with average of 245.

    It was on St. Andrews, the hole with the path through the middle. Landed plum on the path and just kept going. On my replays

  • TarheelsRule
    5,627 Posts
    Fri, Sep 9 2011 10:44 AM

    I routinely hit drives at St Andrews in the 350 range and got my long drive of 380 there.  However since moving back to the Legend tees on that course it seems that every time you have a heavy trailing wind your tee shot manages to hit into a mound or ridge, I rarely get over 330 there anymore.  RSG has a number of places that seem to drive the ball forward even from the Legend tees.

    I did watch a guy at BPB the other day on the par four dogleg left that you hit it over the trap, can't recall the number, hit one that hit into the heavy rough just past the trap and bolt forward to about 360 yards.  He said he did it on purpose and that there was some hard area there, I'm not precise enough to hit it, but it did seem to work.  Also for those playing #9 on BPB, you can drive it, even from the back tees left of the trap and carry it in the fairway to about 135 yards out.  No wind or tail wind and you can find this area.

  • SgtDoodles
    3,112 Posts
    Fri, Sep 9 2011 10:59 AM

    I know you all hate it, but in terms of getting the best windless drive Cabo wins. I recently had a 320-yard drive there (same driver as the OP) on a slight tailwind at 10mph. St Andrews with 30mph wind pushing you forward rocks, that has to be the best conditions for longest drives. I had a 387 yard drive on St A's 6, lucky it went through the green onto fairway. Still parred, my short game sucks :'-(

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Fri, Sep 9 2011 11:09 AM

    390 on SA nbr 6, long time ago Tour Pro with the R9, closest since was 381 all on SA.