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Longest Drive Course

Sat, Feb 24 2024 9:49 AM (52 replies)
  • YancyCan
    3,027 Posts
    Sat, Sep 17 2011 6:33 AM



    St Andrews for sure.

    I think several of the holes have yielded drives over 400

    Which holes in particular?


    I done whacked one 390.38 yards on St. Andrews #5.

    KEYS: wind & calloway balls and nice kick/bounce

  • KingOfTheCourse
    419 Posts
    Sat, Sep 17 2011 7:06 AM


    I routinely hit drives at St Andrews in the 350 range and got my long drive of 380 there.  However since moving back to the Legend tees on that course it seems that every time you have a heavy trailing wind your tee shot manages to hit into a mound or ridge, I rarely get over 330 there anymore.  RSG has a number of places that seem to drive the ball forward even from the Legend tees.

    I did watch a guy at BPB the other day on the par four dogleg left that you hit it over the trap, can't recall the number, hit one that hit into the heavy rough just past the trap and bolt forward to about 360 yards.  He said he did it on purpose and that there was some hard area there, I'm not precise enough to hit it, but it did seem to work.  Also for those playing #9 on BPB, you can drive it, even from the back tees left of the trap and carry it in the fairway to about 135 yards out.  No wind or tail wind and you can find this area.

    Tarheels that was me correct?  And I do not think it's a hard spot but rather the fescue on a downslope gives it a strong kick, either way its a great shortcut.

  • TaterNater
    545 Posts
    Sat, Sep 17 2011 2:10 PM

    i got 409 at andy's that was before callys and r-11 drove it over a green forgot which hole though

  • macscrubbler
    1,790 Posts
    Mon, Nov 16 2015 7:00 AM


    i have just driven the 17th  St Andrews 384 yards, is this some sort of record /

    still bogied it  lol




  • hakman123
    2,119 Posts
    Mon, Nov 16 2015 7:29 AM

    Many of the St A. holes can yield 400+ yd drives with a tail wind, and a lucky bounce doesn't hurt either.

    My best at St. Andrews is 438 yds on the Par 5 5th hole.  Leaving a Pitching wedge 2nd shot to the green. Note the very nice bounce.

    438 yds on St. Andrews #5

    But Cabo #5 is the hole for the record longest drives. Regularly drives of well over 400 yds off the path and the rocks. Even over 450 yds have been recorded there.

    Good Luck

    The Hakman

  • alosso
    21,103 Posts
    Mon, Nov 16 2015 7:42 AM

    And, there's the "400 yards drive club", manifesting in a thread in the forum.

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Mon, Nov 16 2015 8:09 AM

    I remember hitting an absolute monster drive..perfect conditions..very strong tail level driver and ball combo..downhill flight..

    only problem was it's a par 3...I forgot to switch clubs...I think da ball is still going...oi vey

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Mon, Nov 16 2015 8:35 AM

    Any excuse (I'm shameless) -

  • GAD59
    237 Posts
    Sat, Nov 28 2015 3:47 AM

    ST. Andy's 18th hole with high winds in your favor will get you 400 plus

  • Poowanai275
    139 Posts
    Sat, Nov 28 2015 5:16 AM

    Chambers Bay #14 Tailwind