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Just an extemporaneous thought...

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Mon, Jul 22 2019 4:05 AM (71 replies)
  • krskfr
    458 Posts
    Thu, Jul 18 2019 9:30 PM

    There should be two categories of elite players.... Those who use notes of any kind / a calculator, and tho REAL OG'S who know how to get down and play SOLELY by feel. Come at me bro's!! Deep down ya'll know that's the truth. I love this game regardless of how often i play. Yes i shake my head in disgust at some of the screw ups/ peculiar congruence insofar that this is in face an online virtual golf game, free of charge, with everything one could ask for. Be grateful, and stop the beef/hate. Peace ya'll!

  • maoriand1
    1,287 Posts
    Fri, Jul 19 2019 9:47 AM

    in wgt u have different parameters : wind, distance, elevation, direction... as normal all those paramenters means that the game run on a math alghoritm. as u said there are players able to play only by feel without any math or calculation of their shots, thx their career experience. there are lot of players that use spreadsheet to play their shots and i think there s nothing bad doing that.. u still need to know hole by hole, every course. in my cc andivo shared his spreadsheet to all the close friends  but only few players were able to make good scores.. that s why to make low scores u still have to achieve lot of knowledge in the game.. it s not a spreadsheet that help u to make 54 or 26.  as a math game it s only up to you decide to use math or feel but if u pick the feel can t talk about 2 elite' categories of players. 

    if u drive a car without know anything about the motor and another guy drive better then you because he understood the motor u tell him he should drive without understand the enginee of that car or u simply accept he is better then you? 

    feel or spreadsheet for me there s only 1 category of elite players




  • carlosdev
    2,568 Posts
    Fri, Jul 19 2019 10:28 AM


    if u drive a car without know anything about the motor and another guy drive better then you because he understood the motor u tell him he should drive without understand the enginee of that car or u simply accept he is better then you?

    Which cars we talking about? Kia or Tesla? lol

    No offence, need the right brand name for the correct accurate answer ;) ;) 

    - Carl


  • maoriand1
    1,287 Posts
    Fri, Jul 19 2019 10:37 AM
    In a tesla u can t feel anything. I meant a shelby mustang 1968 😂😂
  • el3n1
    4,512 Posts
    Fri, Jul 19 2019 10:38 AM

    I can grasp where you are coming from... I even grasp the point you make.  I can also respect the work put in by those who learned this game by playing thousands of rounds.  

    But I also find it humorous when people constantly throw out the word "FEEL" as it pertains to a game with zero "tactile" interface other than a mouse and keyboard as it pertains to wind and elevation and slope... 

    --felt like overkill -- extracted most of post... obviously I have a few reasons for feeling "feel" is overused term.

    Sorry for rambling, but this whole FEEL thing is blown out of proportion sometimes... and I felt like having a bit of fun.. it should be fun you know!  Please  don't take offense.


  • Yiannis1970
    3,342 Posts
    Fri, Jul 19 2019 10:38 AM

    Since wgt has no problem permitting all these stuff, which twist clearly the whole idea of this gameplay, i don't know why is still so strict in the use of autodinger. It's so contradictory. 

    Since the goal of this game is for some not to have fun and to gain fun through personal ability but to win at any cost, i hardly see any difference on permitting all these things and forbidding auto dinger.

    It's not a game of ability's a contest who has it bigger...the spreadsheet.

  • maoriand1
    1,287 Posts
    Fri, Jul 19 2019 11:03 AM

    Since wgt has no problem permitting all these stuff, which twist clearly the whole idea of this gameplay, i don't know why is still so strict in the use of autodinger. It's so contradictory. 

    Since the goal of this game is for some not to have fun and to gain fun through personal ability but to win at any cost, i hardly see any difference on permitting all these things and forbidding auto dinger.

    It's not a game of ability's a contest who has it bigger...the spreadsheet.

    Maybe because the autodinger is a cheat?
  • Yiannis1970
    3,342 Posts
    Fri, Jul 19 2019 11:09 AM

    I hardly see the difference with the rest of the stuff. Auto dinger helps you hitting the ding, ready spreadsheets eliminate the factor human/mental error from the equation, as auto dinger does. So, what's the difference?

  • el3n1
    4,512 Posts
    Fri, Jul 19 2019 11:33 AM

    So, what's the difference?

    It seems there are multiple variations or attempts at spreadsheets... but they all seem to be reasonable guesses at how best to calculate shots... some are better than others... 

    the autodinger - attempts to alter a specific aspect of the game play dynamic that is in part designed to allow for additional variance to be introduced...

    spreadsheets don't alter the functionality of the game, whereas autodingers create a means to control one of the factors WGT uses to allow for variance to be introduced into the game... 

    It may be a subtle difference but I can see how autodingers can violate and spreadsheets are just an attempt to second guess how WGT may calculate shots...

    now... you make a good point... are some spreadsheets getting so good and so close to reverse engineering the game that the very best spreadsheets provide a qualitative edge over others?  that would be interesting to know... 

  • maoriand1
    1,287 Posts
    Fri, Jul 19 2019 11:34 AM

    I hardly see the difference with the rest of the stuff. Auto dinger helps you hitting the ding, ready spreadsheets eliminate the factor human/mental error from the equation, as auto dinger does. So, what's the difference?

    U perfectly know that every hole in wgt need always adjustment so every spreadsheet u can give a go u will never get always 1 yrd if u ding the shot. I used play with the same spreadsheet of andivo and everygame was different. The same hole u can play 10times and land 10 times in 10 different place. If u think that with a spreadsheet u can stop the human factor then use a spreadsheet and make 18 approach inside 3 yrd. I m ready to bet u will never get it even if u ding at 100%. The msg u wrote is clearly the msg of a player that never used an excel to calculate the shots or u would not think that. I can give u the same spreadsheet of andivo and play roy heavy wind and C14. Then we will see if u stop the human factor..