Yiannis1970:So, what's the difference?
It seems there are multiple variations or attempts at spreadsheets... but they all seem to be reasonable guesses at how best to calculate shots... some are better than others...
the autodinger - attempts to alter a specific aspect of the game play dynamic that is in part designed to allow for additional variance to be introduced...
spreadsheets don't alter the functionality of the game, whereas autodingers create a means to control one of the factors WGT uses to allow for variance to be introduced into the game...
It may be a subtle difference but I can see how autodingers can violate and spreadsheets are just an attempt to second guess how WGT may calculate shots...
now... you make a good point... are some spreadsheets getting so good and so close to reverse engineering the game that the very best spreadsheets provide a qualitative edge over others? that would be interesting to know...