Jeez, we are allowed different opinions without a constant battering over the same points, as Yiannis seems to have had enough allow me.
kavvz:I didn't think mags would mind me pointing out that he uses a calculator to play and to draw comparisons to others that do mathematical things to calculate shots. If mags minds then there's endless other players who pop up windows calc on their screens that I could use, but I thought since he's one of the best on here he was the perfect example.
You make it sound like the way Mags usues a calculator is similar to how others use a spreadsheet, I don't think it is. I just watched his "Father's Day Skytrak Challenge winning 52" perhaps you could do the same and tell me on which shots it was in use.
The 18 holes took 22min 30sec. I watched another prominent player take roughly the same time for 9, he was typing into a spreadsheet on another computer and using an on screen calculator.
I'm guessing you are referring to streamed rounds when he is playing someone else. This is a guess, I've about as little idea as you, I'd say he uses the calculator for something to do and to keep focus when his opponent is playing especially when a 90sec clock is insited upon. Even with 45sec it's probably hard for him to keep his rhythm.
It's ok to use the aid of the aim box to aim because that's just "feel", but it's not ok to make a ruler that has 10 markers equal to the width of that aimer box and use that to aim? Those rulers ruin the game...
The aim box is part of the game the rulers are a tool some add to the game screen, that's a difference.
One more...
It's ok to approximate ("feel"?) a wind direction with your eye and input that into a calculator to adjust your shot (which I suspect mags does on that casio), but it's not ok to use a compass to get the exact wind direction, input that into a spreadsheet to adjust your shot.
Why do you suspect Mags does that on his casio, anything evidential or just completely you making it up? Anyway, once again the former is using the game screen as wgt give us it and the other is adding to (altering) it.
kavvz:We begin to see a pattern...
"We" being?
kavvz:Aids are simply shortcuts to do the same thing one of the best players on here does. No different..that mags does it so well is a testament to him. Even if mags' calcs are off a bit, he's such a good putter he makes up for it.
Why is it that the people using these "shortcuts" are generally the ones that insist on longer clocks and take longer to play? They are used simply to help people play the game better than they otherwise would, as you seem to aknowledge by calling them "aids".
I haven't seen anyone here suggesting that any of this is breaking the rules, some have suggested it lessens the game in their opinion and you seem to take badly to that. You have a different opinion then fine.