@Yiannis n Co,
You're been very hypocritical, You yourself use an aid, You use a Windows Magnifier to help you hit more dings (Almost an Autodinger {but not} that you keep referencing, What is this Autodinger that you keep referencing & please furnish WGT with your evidence of this Autodinger you keep referencing as such Software that hacks into Flash has no place in this game as it is illegal. Maybe this Autodinger that you keep alluding to but don't name is the iDing9000, I have to break it to you but well that's a long running in joke) I've no probs with you or anyone using as little as one aid or 100 aids many once they don't manipulate the game/Flash & I applaud the guys who are able to play so brilliantly by using 0 aids.
Sure even Mags is now using one of these aids you are against, He uses an online digital Stopwatch to time dots on difficult putts, He uses it sparingly but he does use it on difficult putts in big tournies & he'll take as long as it takes on that one putt if he feels it may be a shot against the field.
This online digital Stopwatch that he uses sparingly is no different to another player (Cyclops) who used a physical Sports Stopwatch in his hand to also time the dots.
So to be clear are you saying it's OK for you to use what you deem OK in your mind but then on the other hand you "feel" it's not OK for others to use other legal aids that you don't like!?
You may not like either & you think they are against the "spirit of the game" in your eyes but "that's just your opinion man"