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Welcome to WGT Early Access!

Fri, Jan 3 2025 9:29 AM (1,423 replies)
  • Heath021
    378 Posts
    Tue, Oct 1 2019 12:45 PM

    When is the Mac edition going to be ready? Can't wait to try.

  • DoctorLarry
    4,328 Posts
    Tue, Oct 1 2019 12:50 PM


    ... I never really saw any apparel abilities in the flash PC version. But as for mobile they are a must have, and this new PC download version is exactly like mobile. For example, I have the MAX glove leveled up to level 5 and that gives me +38 Slow Iron Meter Speed, and +35 3 Wood Sweet Spot. Additionally I have a level 6 Topgolf Shirt Equipped which gives me +43 Iron Distance. When it comes to the mobile game this makes a huge difference in game play and looks to be exactly the same in the new PC download.

    The PC version does not have apparel "abilities" since it is based with more realism.  In reality, different hats and gloves make no difference in the game.  As Young46 noted, the apparel "abilities" do NOT function in tournaments on mobile so you would have to learn two different play methods to use them for all game modes.

    I do play mobile when away from my computer and that apparel stuff is one of the things I hope does NOT make it into the PC version.

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,793 Posts
    Tue, Oct 1 2019 1:04 PM

    You can select apparel for appearance only, not for abilities.

    That's what I do because adding apparel abilities does nothing but confusing and complicating my calculation for shotmaking.

  • Xpyburnt
    462 Posts
    Tue, Oct 1 2019 2:09 PM

    Why make the new version like the phone/tablet version? Personally I think it sucks. Why not just fix/improve what we've been using? The flag can't be removed, the screen is full screen so your toolbar on the bottom is not available, the map is WAY too small, you can't get the multiple camera views, use your old pre-made avatars, etc., etc. Just make it the same we've been using only make it non flash! The meter speed is great on this version!

    If this is the future of WGT, I can see a vast exodus of the game coming which will be sad.

    My 2 cents worth.

  • TopShelf2010
    10,986 Posts
    Tue, Oct 1 2019 2:29 PM


  • Lesthanpar
    1,528 Posts
    Tue, Oct 1 2019 2:55 PM

    Putting is totally different. Someone will have to make a new tutorial on how to putt with this version. Reading breaks and speed is not at all like the flash version. It would be nice to see the hole as the putt goes hopefully towards it, not to watch it go in but to see how bad it missed lol.

  • TopShelf2010
    10,986 Posts
    Tue, Oct 1 2019 3:23 PM


  • pmm711
    5,827 Posts
    Tue, Oct 1 2019 3:52 PM

    The PC version does not have apparel "abilities"

    This new PC version does utilize the apparel "boosts" when playing "single play" courses.  I had to go into my profile and change each apparel item back to the "basic" starter item so my yardages wouldn't be boosted.  So, I'm taking it we will all have to look alike unless they remove the apparel boosts...which they should do anyway as they're totally ridiculous.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, Oct 1 2019 4:24 PM


    Putting is totally different. Someone will have to make a new tutorial on how to putt with this version. Reading breaks and speed is not at all like the flash version. It would be nice to see the hole as the putt goes hopefully towards it, not to watch it go in but to see how bad it missed lol.

    The one thing that's going to add a few strokes to every round. :-(

    Avatar putters are going to suffer, no question. I'm so strict with that method-10 years doing it that way-that I am totally clueless when I face ANY kind of putt on the new version. It's like back to Grade 1 on the greens.

    To make matters worse, I don't see a PutterPal  even though I said I wanted it. Not sure what's up with that yet but I'm seeing my personal fix as one where, on the PC version, I equate avatar moves to the PP. Looks like the PP is going to be a standard now.

  • borntobesting
    9,803 Posts
    Tue, Oct 1 2019 5:15 PM

    I just tried to play another round. The key word is tried. With full screen and resolution set at 1920X1080 the meter was so stuttery that it was totally unplayable. Maybe I need more memory. Not really sure because at lower resolutions the meter is as smooth as I've ever seen it.