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Fri, Jan 3 2025 9:29 AM (1,423 replies)
  • craigswan
    32,431 Posts
    Mon, Aug 24 2020 9:26 AM

    Mister young's latest opinion .

  • craigswan
    32,431 Posts
    Mon, Aug 24 2020 9:31 AM

    Some reddit opinions .

    Will all Flash games be lost forever in 2020?

    In 2020, Adobe is discontinuing flash support. Does this mean all existing flash games will die and become unplayable? There are so many good flash games that the idea of never being able to play one again makes me really sad. :/ Will there be any way to continue playing flash games once flash support ends?

    That just simply means Adobe will cease the development and release of Flash and any related projects.

    Existing versions of Adobe's [and others'] Flash plugins will still be available for use.

    Probably not- you might have to use the last version of flash- and eventually when flash stops working with your browser you may have to use an older browser with flash installed but you should still be able to play flash games for long after adobe discontinues flash.

    It just means they won't be updating flash to work with new computer Operating Systems, as long  as you keep a legacy OS you will be able to run flash games


    You can download a version of Flash Player for your computer (versus in the browser) from Adobe’s website and then download .swf files from the net. You can play them locally on your pc, and usually with better performance.

    If only it were that simple, but it's going to take a lot more than Adobe discontinuing support to get rid of Flash for good.

  • craigswan
    32,431 Posts
    Thu, Aug 27 2020 1:32 PM

    Word of the Day: TROOTLE - to move in small steps, like a child learning to walk.

    Or me learning the new game .

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Thu, Aug 27 2020 2:07 PM


    You can download a version of Flash Player for your computer (versus in the browser) from Adobe’s website and then download .swf files from the net. You can play them locally on your pc, and usually with better performance.

    If only it were that simple, but it's going to take a lot more than Adobe discontinuing support to get rid of Flash for good.

    Microsoft said they were going to remove Flash. Basically I have to shut off updating from Microsoft.

    I have 4 Computers, so I can do that.

  • LeonPhelpss
    1 Posts
    Thu, Aug 27 2020 5:13 PM

    Lucky you but I dont and I have just tried this new "all singing all dancing" new non flash version

    WGT Early Access

    and my only comment is "IT SUCKS" -


    Thank you Top Golf for buying a great little game from WGT and completely fracking it up !


    I will play the flash version until the end and then find a different game - maybe even a different golf game - I will certainly look for one.

  • Eddymeboy
    10 Posts
    Thu, Aug 27 2020 9:13 PM

    Not Bad, I have been playing both versions for a while (pc and android) the flash version is for the "purest" that dislike the extra abilities that certain attire gives you. this will give flash users fits when the stumble over it. personally I like it. I found the same issue that others have with the screen fitting my larger monitor.   The ability to play with more than two people though is a must. I play nightly with two others and there will be howling if that option is not looks pretty pretty pretty good but  like you point out there is still work to be done. keep working on it we will all need it to be in great shape come winter.