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veteran & higher level player feedback section

Wed, Nov 13 2019 3:28 PM (146 replies)
  • Heath021
    378 Posts
    Tue, Oct 15 2019 2:15 PM

    I love this. Ok I would love to just have this game on a level playing field. Same amount of VEM for everyone not just a chosen few. I have so many charts and graphs and experience in this game Yet can't seem to be so inconsisten. shoot a 26 one round than on the very next round in similar conditions shoot a 32. How is that? Especially in heavy winds or high credit tournaments than it is pure luck. One time the same wind pushes the ball 30 feet past the hole so I adjust to have it come up short. I have used and watched so many videos play a different game. 

    Than I look on a 500 credit tourney. Someone shoots -21 on a high wind tournament. I call ***. There is no way unless you know before hand how your shot is going to react.

  • fobby1980
    310 Posts
    Tue, Oct 15 2019 3:52 PM



    Don’t let the door hit ya on your way out then, partner. 

    Got anything useful to add besides trying to bait a reaction?

    Please, would love to hear more from you on this discussion that's not from some alternate reality.

    I'm not leaving anytime soon boss, and will do everything I can to help this standalone be a success.

    I know you're new to the game and all, supposedly, but try having a little respect. You're talking to the 2014 vuso champion and one who has spent countless hours trying to help people on the forums with guides for putting, giving out my secrets with ball iron mappings etc.

    Have a great day


    But I’m from an alternate reality, “mobile”, instead of PC; you know, different gameplay and all. Secondly, in your first reply, right off the bat you stated “I seem to have no idea what I’m talking about”. Partner, if you don’t give me the least amount of respect I deserved then what makes you think I will give you any? As a matter of fact I still address you as partner, as us Texans are wont to do. Isn’t that enough respect for you?

     Another thing, I don’t know your history here in WGT, and quite frankly your history is irrelevant here since obviously you don’t know much about mobile gameplay. All I’m saying is if you plan on continue playing then you need to relearn putting and reading green because this is how it’s going to be in the future. WGT may (and they should) add more functionalities, but the gameplay engine will not change for PC players who are clamoring for a familiar past. I repeat: improvise, adapt, overcome. 


  • TuckerPrestonJr
    1,380 Posts
    Tue, Oct 15 2019 4:40 PM

    I accept the thesis that is a mobile world and it is 'us' who must adjust.

    But are we E-Sport (digital golf) or cartoon? 

    There is a lack of dignity in the presentation of the mobile game.  The aesthetic is juvenile, designed for easily bored mind.  That's not diplomatic but it's accurate.  It's like I'm playing a kid's game rather than a proper e-sport of WGT/digital golf.

  • AgentBrown123
    907 Posts
    Tue, Oct 15 2019 5:08 PM

    All I'm saying is that if you want to be taken seriously fobby you might not come into a form disrespecting someone who has put in a lot of his time to help others. You can have your opinion, that's fine.

    Most of what you're saying is just innacurate. You're not adding to the discussion, you're basically saying there is no point talking about it, it's going to be the mobile game. Really you're just disrupting the thread and taking it off topic. 

    How do you know what they're going to do. Do you have a crystal ball?

    If this is indeed early release/beta and they're asking for feedback then that's the exact point of discussing this. They said that they are reading ALL the comments supposedly.

    So you are wrong to assume that the release is going to be exactly like the mobile. At least no one knows for sure how it'll turn out in a year from now.

    So yeah I will keep voicing my opinion on the greens. It's the worst thing about the mobile game. It's not about adapting. The dots are just inaccurate. And the more people that come into this forum to voice this truth, the better.

    Maybe go start a thread saying you want this new version to be the mobile game.

    This thread is for veterans giving their feedback on state of standalone.

    Don't let the door hit ya on the way out!


  • fobby1980
    310 Posts
    Tue, Oct 15 2019 7:56 PM


    All I'm saying is that if you want to be taken seriously fobby you might not come into a form disrespecting someone who has put in a lot of his time to help others. You can have your opinion, that's fine.

    Most of what you're saying is just innacurate. You're not adding to the discussion, you're basically saying there is no point talking about it, it's going to be the mobile game. Really you're just disrupting the thread and taking it off topic. 

    How do you know what they're going to do. Do you have a crystal ball?

    If this is indeed early release/beta and they're asking for feedback then that's the exact point of discussing this. They said that they are reading ALL the comments supposedly.

    So you are wrong to assume that the release is going to be exactly like the mobile. At least no one knows for sure how it'll turn out in a year from now.

    So yeah I will keep voicing my opinion on the greens. It's the worst thing about the mobile game. It's not about adapting. The dots are just inaccurate. And the more people that come into this forum to voice this truth, the better.

    Maybe go start a thread saying you want this new version to be the mobile game.

    This thread is for veterans giving their feedback on state of standalone.

    Don't let the door hit ya on the way out!


    Did you read my post at all before you wrote this? Oh that’s right you don’t have to since you know everything about WGT (sar/ over). OK I’m going to say this one more time clearly so you can understand: I will concede that you know much, much more about putting on PC than I do. But, flipping the coin, I know much, much more about putting on mobile than you do. Now, PC is based on Flash while mobile is based on Unity. Thus, gameplay between the two engines is going to differ somewhat - including putting. However, WGT only used one set of pictures to stitch together a course for both Flash/Unity, including green mapping data. So most likely you just experienced a “culture shock” seeing green dot speed being run in Unity after such a long time being acclimated to Flash. 
     Now about how I know the final release will look much like, if not being the same as mobile. Somebody already mentioned in another thread, or maybe this one, that this standalone is essentially the mobile version ported over to PC. That’s how I can state with confidence that the essential gameplay engine is not going to change; only cosmetic or functionalities changes.

    Re: TuckerPreston Jr

    The same graphics look amazing on my iPhone so most likely it’s a sizing and resolution issue. 

  • AgentBrown123
    907 Posts
    Tue, Oct 15 2019 8:33 PM

    I know exactly what you're saying and obviously I understand they are two different platforms and engines.

    Unity if you want to call it does NOT show many of the putts that break a lot. It shows the same dot pattern as other putts that break half the amount. It says you just started in august of 2018. how can you possibly say this with such confidence that it's simply just a different engine and you need to read it differently? I think you lack a little perspective having played little on the PC platform to understand just how much more accurate it is with dots.

    The dots are just not accurate on mobile imo. It's not getting used to the new grid dots. Now I'll admit there are times that it is accurate. But on many of the downhiller swingers. it doesn't show it accurately not even close.

    also reverse chip view is completely broken. The dots barely even move.

    I disagree that just because they ported the mobile version to PC that this is what we're getting for the most part.

    It could be they just didn't want to start from scratch and do indeed intend on making some adjustments to the engine.

    It's really a reach to say what direction they are going to take.

  • Deplorable06
    27 Posts
    Tue, Oct 15 2019 9:24 PM

    I'm not a veteran like you Jon, and have only been playing since May this year. I love the 'Flash' version, and agree 100% with all your criticisms. The only thing I liked about the 'beta' version is the meter seems less jumpy. The avatars look like something from the Addams Family. They're going to give me nightmares.



  • TheSpark4
    42 Posts
    Tue, Oct 15 2019 11:42 PM

    Not sure I qualify as a ‘veteran’ having (only) played the game for 2.5yrs but gonna speak out in defence of the mobile greens being ‘broken’, that’s just nonsense imo....

    Bar a very brief dabble in playing PC a while ago I’ve always played mobile (iPad, suits my needs and circumstances just fine, I love it!) & find putting to be the most enjoyable and challenging part of the game by far. I also trust the greens/dots almost implicitly and find the whole putting experience to be truly intuitive and really immersive, it’s the best part of the bloody game! 

    Sure, Kiawah routinely does my head in (but as I’m told it’s just the same on PC - surely an original ‘mapping’/tech problem), a few other individual greens too (eg Merion 17th front pin, again I’m told is same on PC), but otherwise putting is a real test but absolutely no problem whatsoever on mobile! Talk of dot speed being broken and breaks being impossible to read is tosh - I know 98/100 times why i’ve probably missed a putt and that blame lies with me. It’s then something I try to bank in the memory & try to learn from next time. Sure, I may not be the best player in all of WGT land (before someone shoots me down over this too) but I’m doing OK and hopefully still gradually improving all the time (won the VT event two months ago @ Champs tier, have a puttting ave nearly at 1.39)....

    When I did try PC a while back I couldn’t believe how clumsy/clunky the greens looked and seemed to play. But also just how hard to read they were - ie I was in the exact same position of PC players scratching their heads right now In trying to make the transition....It does gets easier, and quite quickly too if you put the work in and learn to adapt. There’s simply no way the mob greens are broken or impossible to read!

    For a little context too I’ve been a single figure handicapper irl for over 35yrs, and been lucky enough to play nearly all the courses on The Open rota, including both RSG and St Andies. No bragging here, none whatsoever, just trying to put things into perspective as someone who appreciates the nuances of the game in general and has a lot of experience with putting/greens. 

    I’m confident that WGT players of a decent-high standard will learn to enjoy putting on the mobile greens a whole lot more than they currently do thru time, and any talk of things being ‘broken’ will fade away pretty quickly. I also echo the sentiments previously of needing to adapt and overcome, well said. 

  • salamicus
    1,018 Posts
    Wed, Oct 16 2019 2:55 AM

    The greens on mobile are probably not broken....they appeared broken when being ported and resized on PC screen (as someone said). Dots on my pc doesnt have flow when moving..they are like starting and stopping. And their edges are rough, somewhat like when you set low detail in flash version. There is also other things like hole on olympic where on flash version you see the branch that hangs above when you play drive..But on unity version that branch is not visible in screen


  • fobby1980
    310 Posts
    Wed, Oct 16 2019 6:06 AM


    The greens on mobile are probably not broken....they appeared broken when being ported and resized on PC screen (as someone said). Dots on my pc doesnt have flow when moving..they are like starting and stopping. And their edges are rough, somewhat like when you set low detail in flash version. There is also other things like hole on olympic where on flash version you see the branch that hangs above when you play drive..But on unity version that branch is not visible in screen


    Thank you, you cannot say it any better than that. It appeared there was a “lost in translation” issue and that’s why players are having problems.