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Thu, Mar 27 2025 11:25 PM (116 replies)
  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Sun, Jan 5 2020 1:07 PM


    One of the traditions of the old game was that it made some sort of sense, if you get better clubs or balls your scores were likely to get lower.  In the new game this can also be achieved with a hat, clowns nose or whatever.  So the tradition of a semblance of golfing sense is gone and it's just a maths and timing game.  Maybe it always was but the dressing was nice.


    Stat modifiers whether they are on the club, a putter,  a ball,  or on a hat or shoes are still mathematical stat modifiers. They all do the exact same thing. 

    the only difference is you've prejudged the form you find acceptable for it to appear in.

    To your last sentence yes, that is what I was saying.  I would prefer to play a golf game where there was some appoximation to playing golf rather than hit a mouse (squeeky kind) with an elephants trunk for example, (I know that update is years.....well at least months... away) but if I may a few times have dreamed of walking up the 18th on the Old Couse needing a four to win I never once imagined doing it with a turkey on my head.

    In short the old game represented golf and the new one does not. I meant my earlier post to indicate I knew it was actually about the maths in both cases, sorry if It didn't.

    6,890 Posts
    Mon, Jan 6 2020 2:28 PM


    Hi WGT

    So I just downloaded this new version.   It is like the mobile version except on my MAC laptop.   It is based on gambling ... it has none of the joys of playing this game on line over the last 8 years on this flashplayer platform.    A new platform has to absolutely replicate the traditions of this flashplayer based game that every fell in love with and got devoted to.   There are many many loyal players like me around.    We will lose all our friendships and the joy if you continue along this vein.  

    And at the moment, you are ruining this version of the game also because people are green on one platform but show up green on all platforms (mobile included).    Maybe us rusted on players only have 2020 to play before we leave.   I don't know.    

    But I sure hope you would appreciate us and our love of the game and our promotion of it to other people ...


    Confused?? You say based on gambling where as I say that's one of the BIGGEST flaws as they REMOVED playing matches and skins for credits??


    6,890 Posts
    Mon, Jan 6 2020 2:36 PM

    Here is the thing.....If you enjoy golf whether it is Playing in "The Real World"...or watching the TV boys and girls do things we dream of .....Then the "REAL" PC version  is was and always will be the way to play WGT.....Can anyone tell me the last time they remember seeing Tommy Fleetwood change his "SHOES" or dress like a "PIMP" and suddenly his it 10 yards past Brooks Koepka? Or Lexi Thompson in spandex and wife beater with a friggin turkey on her head!!!   Of course not... its as ludicrous and unrealistic as BOTH the mobile/PCEA version currently available...BTW what are the coins good for anyway?? Please enlighten me..

    That being said change is coming like it or not...Either the techs get the "New PC/Mobile" version identical to the current PC (Which they could I mean they should own the TINS right?).....Or Without the ability to play in foursomes, chose your course and conditions,play match and skins for "CREDITS" not coins that can actually be used for pro shop purchases...THE WGT  WE KNOW AND LOVE IS LOST!!

    Now my biggest hope is simple ...regardless of what you do WGT...PLEASE let the current PC version "ALSO" be available along with whatever mobile "ARCADE Like option you decide to run and let us worry about accessing flash when chrome and other browsers "supposedly " stop supporting it!! Because I believe  there will be ways to do that for years to come....Flash Will be out there!

    Just my thoughts and wishes....(But I am a diehard Vikings fan and believe we have a chance to beat the Saints so what do I know!!) 


  • salamicus
    1,018 Posts
    Tue, Jan 7 2020 11:52 AM


    Now my biggest hope is simple ...regardless of what you do WGT...PLEASE let the current PC version "ALSO" be available along with whatever mobile "ARCADE Like option you decide to run and let us worry about accessing flash when chrome and other browsers "supposedly " stop supporting it!! Because I believe  there will be ways to do that for years to come....Flash Will be out there!

    Flash will be out there possibly for you to play with it on your home computer...but I don't think any serious online company will let their users to use outdated platforms and pay money for that.. That can only be done when wgt consider letting people play free on what has left of game and stop updating it



  • DoctorLarry
    4,328 Posts
    Tue, Jan 7 2020 5:31 PM


    One of the traditions of the old game was that it made some sort of sense, if you get better clubs or balls your scores were likely to get lower.  In the new game this can also be achieved with a hat, clowns nose or whatever.  So the tradition of a semblance of golfing sense is gone and it's just a maths and timing game.  Maybe it always was but the dressing was nice.


    Stat modifiers whether they are on the club, a putter,  a ball,  or on a hat or shoes are still mathematical stat modifiers. They all do the exact same thing. 

    the only difference is you've prejudged the form you find acceptable for it to appear in.

    Yes they are stat modifiers, but changing a club or ball is reality in that it can/should make a difference in play in RL.  Changing hats does not.

    This in not prejudice but reality.  (Yes I know the game is a sim, not reality, but details matter!).

    Anyway, we will only get what WGT provides.

  • el3n1
    4,516 Posts
    Tue, Jan 7 2020 5:50 PM

    Yes they are stat modifiers, but changing a club or ball is reality in that it can/should make a difference in play in RL.  Changing hats does not.

    Given many acknowledge this game is a business, wgt like all other tech gaming companies employ any number of micro purchases and tactics that require players to work towards or earn in game benefits... the apparel is no different...

    it is part of a tactic and strategy to keep people playing and seemingly earn them free by playing coin games during sponsor periods and the expense is ball hits used while playing... or you can buy them using credits if you catch them in the pro shop.

    How is that business model not consistent with what we know about wgt?

  • Corrochano007
    83 Posts
    Sun, Apr 26 2020 8:48 AM

    If that is the best they can do, they should star thinking about doing something diferent, maybe flip burgers, the new version, apart from a few clear issues, depends mainly on Random behavior of your shots, a Master level player with gloves level 8 can hit 320 yards drive with a 250 drive, and make a 25ft putt anytime, meanwhile a legend level player with decent clubs and balls but no fancy apparel can do any thing but what was spected meaning ball can go long, short, roll or stop no matter the shot you take, it will come out random, sure aparel is important but it shouldn't be the key on this kind of platform, I fully agree that lower tier levels playing against higer tier players should have some kind of help, but let's face it we are talking about an adjustment tnot about an improvement

    Personally I think they have to review the new platform and give it a second thought

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Sun, Apr 26 2020 2:57 PM



    Now my biggest hope is simple ...regardless of what you do WGT...PLEASE let the current PC version "ALSO" be available along with whatever mobile "ARCADE Like option you decide to run and let us worry about accessing flash when chrome and other browsers "supposedly " stop supporting it!! Because I believe  there will be ways to do that for years to come....Flash Will be out there!

    Flash will be out there possibly for you to play with it on your home computer...but I don't think any serious online company will let their users to use outdated platforms and pay money for that.. That can only be done when wgt consider letting people play free on what has left of game and stop updating it



    + 1

    That's the key, they are not going to update it. So every time something breaks, we are stuck with it.

  • Nicole161106
    281 Posts
    Mon, Apr 27 2020 2:23 AM

    Anyone playing with a turkey on their head should be disqualified.








    ... for fowl play.