I think people who quit should not be allowed to play till the current game they were disconnected from is complete, if you got disconnected from internet loss, the game would most likely be close to over by the time you get back online anyways. and the quiters just cant play till the game is over.
I like this idea.
If you start a game that includes other players, and you quit, or your internet shuts down, or whatever reason, simply require the player to COMPLETE the game before being able to play another.
Then nobody can cry foul, Socialism, or anything else. You're simply completing a game you started.
According to WGT via the FAQ, having a bad game does NOT affect your average. Read it for yourself. WGT takes your BEST SCORES only into account for your average, and it only takes those that you did within your current TIER. So if you go from Amateur to Pro, only your Pro scores are accounted for.
It turns out, as I found out during a game where a player was talking about quitting, that many do not realize this. One player told me that he usually quits if by near games end he is not going to get a good score so as not to mess up his average.
When I told him a bad game would not affect his average and why, he was surprised and said he would stop the practice of quitting then.
So bottom line, it would appear that WGT needs not only to deal with quitters as morrowjoe suggested, which I think is brilliant, but should do a better job of EDUCATING the players on how things work. The education is a bit iffy here in that you have to sift through a FAQ with small letters to get to the really important information.