I thought I was through with this discussion,..but I'm again tempted to open up with whats on my mind. As I stated many times.." I never quit and never will quit a match" no matter what the circumstances,..ie. playing badly, or whatever. I have been suddenly disconnected numerous times during a match,..only about 3 times I was able to close the "error" window and re log on and find the players still present, otherwise I come back as a "single!"
Twice I rec'd a message from a player with whom I was playing with, calling me a "quitter",......that really disturbs me. How can one assume a player quits when he gets kicked off due to an internet connection problem, or a WGT problem.?? The message I get on my screen is ,..."Sorry there was an error with the game,.........!"
I've had players inform the others he/she must disconnect for some reason, and do so by using the "menu".....as not to deny the others to continue! Exceptable!
Let the world know...yours truly is NOT a quitter!!!!