alas/ interj. (an exclamation expressing sorrow,grief,pity,concern or apprehension of evil)
satire/ n.the use of irony,sarcasm,ridicule,etc. in exposing,denouncing,or deriding vice,folly,etc.
I don't want to be rude either,so have a nice day, ok.
See ya!
Well-well-well, ;0) There's a good thing coming out of this. We all consulted the dictionary. I did it after the fact and you did it before posting.
Now, we can easily understand that these forum of discussion are available to all WGT users, from everywhere around the world, and most importantly people that dont not use english as their first language.
So, can we be a little more flexible with spelling as long as the main goal is to exchange ideas and suggestions.
Bonne journée à tous, d'ou vous soyez !