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Mon, Jul 16 2012 5:50 AM (76 replies)
  • JaLaBar
    1,254 Posts
    Sat, Sep 17 2011 10:13 PM

    According to WGT via the FAQ, having a bad game does NOT affect your average. Read it for yourself. WGT takes your BEST SCORES only into account for your average, and it only takes those that you did within your current TIER. So if you go from Amateur to Pro, only your Pro scores are accounted for.


    A couple of points:  The above is only true if you have been at your tier for some time.  If you have just changed tiers, a bad game can and will wreak havok on your average.  Yes, it will come back down, but if you shoot a 78 your first game at a new tier, your average will be 78.  Also, a bad game will affect a Legends average until he has played 400 ranked rounds.  Granted, after 60 rounds or so, even a 78 will barely move the average, but it still will move it.  Myself, I have avoided playing multi-player stroke rounds since tiering to Legend, because my average can still be substantially impacted by a really bad game, but I wouldn't quit a game, so I just avoid multi-player stroke until I have a better cushion.

  • eurantia
    318 Posts
    Sat, Sep 17 2011 10:28 PM

    you couldn't be more wrong and apparently you don't pay attention,I had 1300 rounds inb ,obviously i'm not a quitter.But i've played long enough to realize there are too many people playing,too many x-factors involved that there is no clear way to punish a quitter.Quit crying, get a solid friend base,it may take a little work to do that.Your argument about me being a quitter because I don't share your point of view is myopic and sophomoric I gave you viable alternatives, if you don't want to deal with potential quitters [ wgt clearly is not going to alienate a possible quitter  there's money to be made]  If you are too lazy to make a quitters list then I imagine you aren't that committed to the issue at hand.

  • eurantia
    318 Posts
    Sat, Sep 17 2011 10:39 PM

    i just noticed you are fairly new here .When you pay your dues and played long enough to know  your way around then post a complaint.Yes quitters are a major pain but in the nearly 2 years of playing I have come up with my have maybe a month in and you chose not to listen ,only to lash out and accuse people ,giving you solid alternatives ,quitters.It is painfully obvious to me in the time that i've dealt with quitters ,that things aren't going to change.Instead of pissing and moaning about it people have given you  ways of dealing with it.Man  whiners irritate me!!!

  • PrinceVolt
    1 Posts
    Sun, Sep 18 2011 12:02 AM

    How about adding a quit rate % beside the name of  the player

  • Zindacup
    847 Posts
    Sun, Sep 18 2011 7:14 AM

    Very good solution mister PrinceVolt.  I proposed just about the same thing few days ago. 

    Player eurantia use a listing of quitters and mostly plays with ones on his friends list.  As in the real wold, everyones uses doorlock because few housebraker or burglar are runnig in town.  Our solution is to identify quitters with a numeral marker next to his or her name for say...a month for each quitting ( of course this would be cumulating  ;0) )

    Finally, it is for WGT to find THE solution so 99% of the users enjoy the SOCIAL game.  In every society there are codes of living.

    Au plaisir et bonne journée !

    Have a nice day!

  • Duval509
    33 Posts
    Sun, Sep 18 2011 11:34 AM

    If I could add my two cents... I think WGT should be able to tell if it is a connection error or quit. One suggestion, up the lost connection time from 5 minutes to ten in order to get back into the game, and penalize hard for those that quit. WGT gives time already, penalties should be incurred, this is a huge growing problem.Perhaps two types of penalties, one for connection loss and one for a quit. Since some may disconnect for 5 min. and turn their connection back on, a double penalty may be in effect. 

  • PhilA2
    441 Posts
    Mon, Oct 3 2011 3:26 AM

    Started a stroke game today with 4 players. Before we could tee off we were down to 3. On the second hole one player lost a ball, now down to 2. On the fourth hole the other player said had to go and quit. I CANNOT REMEMBER THE LAST TIME I PLAYED A STROKE ROUND WHERE ALL FOUR PLAYERS FINISHED! IT IS A WASTE OF OUR TIME WHEN PEOPLE QUIT.

  • maruschak
    572 Posts
    Mon, Oct 3 2011 9:42 AM

    I thought I was through with this discussion,..but I'm again tempted to open up with whats on my mind. As I stated many times.." I never quit and never will quit a match" no matter what the circumstances, playing badly, or whatever. I have been suddenly disconnected numerous times during a match,..only about 3 times I was able to close the "error" window and re log on and find the players still present, otherwise I come back as a "single!"

    Twice I rec'd a message from a player with whom I was playing with, calling me a "quitter",......that really disturbs me. How can one assume a player quits when he gets kicked off due to an internet connection problem, or a WGT problem.?? The message I get on my screen is ,..."Sorry there was an error with the game,.........!"

    I've had players inform the others he/she must disconnect for some reason,  and do so by using the "menu" not to deny the others to continue!  Exceptable!

    Let the world know...yours truly is NOT a quitter!!!!


  • nanstar
    4,914 Posts
    Tue, Oct 4 2011 9:21 AM


    I've seen lots of spellings for "quiters", but this one is correct- " QUITTERS"


    Lizzie xx

    Quiters and quitters everywhere..but alas noone can spell them :(


  • Zindacup
    847 Posts
    Tue, Oct 4 2011 10:16 AM



    I've seen lots of spellings for "quiters", but this one is correct- " QUITTERS"


    Lizzie xx


    Quiters and quitters everywhere..but alas noone can spell them :(


    Talking about spelling.....your ** alas **  spells like the following  ** hélas ** which is a french word meaning, as you already know, ** with regrets  ** or ** 2bad **.  Nanstar and Lizzie ma chérie, I don't want to be rude but, I think it's not the first time that you post with the only purpose of notifying a misspelling.  Be more positive, if I may suggest,  and keep your remonstrances for your
    Ciao bella!