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Mon, Sep 12 2011 4:54 PM (45 replies)
  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Mon, Sep 12 2011 10:54 AM

    I will apologize  for getting side tracked also

    Ren, obviously you were brought up to show good manners and apologize when you've made a mistake.  Thank you.

    I wish I could say the same for thebigeasy.

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Mon, Sep 12 2011 11:22 AM


    I wish I could say the same for thebigeasy.

    get over it.

    <edit>....ok ok.....maybe I did get the timing wrong and for that i will apologise not just to you andy....but to all the members here on WGT who may have found it offensive. i also apologise to acefactor for my semi outburst.

    i realise the entire 9/11 issue is a sensitive area and perhaps this post wasn't the place to churn out stuff apart from remembrance to those who tragically died on that terrible day.


    peace xx



  • TheAceFactor
    2,147 Posts
    Mon, Sep 12 2011 3:08 PM

    However, the Taliban, Afghanistan & Iraq had nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks and there's been way more innocent lives lost in these two countries for something that wasn't their doing either.
    The Taliban ( harbored al-qaeda , brutal be-headings, multiple murderous attacks against civilians ,Afghan police , Afghan military, Pakistani police , military, and civilians, directly involved in the assassination of Binazir Boto  .)  Saddam ( loose cannon in a fragile region , murdered thousands of Iraqis , lied about having his own WMD to keep leverage in the region, tortured thousands , refused 13 U.N. resolutions. Invaded , murdered , raped , tortured Kuwaiti civilians. List goes on.) Abu masab al zarqawi ( Bin Laden Lieutenant , "Prince of Al-qaeda in Iraq" , multiple , brutal attacks on Iraqi civilians, be-headings , lying and mis informing so as to cause civil war among Sunni and  Shiite while attacking both.) al-qaeda ( U.S.S. Cole . Bali Indonesia , Embassy in Kenya , Madrid , London , New York 1993 and 2001, List goes on.)

    SO , TBE I think it is you sir that is asleep !

    Let's see , Ramzi Yousef  and Kalid Sheikh  Muhammad  got prison.

                        Taliban gets their asses handed to them so they have become proficient in                        the art of sucker punching and running, while still murdering civilians.

                        Abu Masab Al-Zarqawi got a 500 Lb. bomb laid in his lap.

                        Saddam got the rope.

                        Al-qaeda's # 3 and # 4  got droned like a lightening bolt from a clear blue                           sky.

                        Bin Laden got the  "double tap" up close and personal.

                        And  Dr. Ayman Al Zawahiri  and Mullah Omar are NEXT !

    If your not with the program , thats ok with me , but it'll be you that'll have to get over it.

    Is that educated enough for you Renn ?



    Edit :  I as well TBE , and thank you , if I had caught your edit , I probably wouldn't have posted this.... I just felt it was bad timing and that our troops and your's deserve our support regardless of how we feel about the politics.  Ace


  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Mon, Sep 12 2011 4:26 PM

    I took Andy's advice and bowed out. No need to yell at me anymore. I'll just read the rest of what you all have to say. Miss Lizzie has the right idea here. Le't all just get on with it and put this one to bed before friends become enemies. I certainly don't want to be on the short list.

  • Toothpic
    32 Posts
    Mon, Sep 12 2011 4:41 PM

    I had hoped that my original post in this thread would be used to express condolences to the innocent victims.

    I hope that those of you who decided to use it as a place to "express their views" regarding 9/11 conspiracies and the American governments role would have had the common sense and decency to air those views in another thread, after all that is your Constitutional right to free speech.

    I would like to thank everyone else for their kind comments on my original post, it was meant to help and not inflame.




    Toothpic   (ex UK armed forces)


  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Mon, Sep 12 2011 4:54 PM


    I had hoped that my original post in this thread would be used to express condolences to the innocent victims.

    I hope that those of you who decided to use it as a place to "express their views" regarding 9/11 conspiracies and the American governments role would have had the common sense and decency to air those views in another thread, after all that is your Constitutional right to free speech.

    I would like to thank everyone else for their kind comments on my original post, it was meant to help and not inflame.




    Toothpic   (ex UK armed forces)



    sounds about right.