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WGT Please respond

Wed, May 30 2012 6:31 PM (79 replies)
  • dacrash
    475 Posts
    Thu, Sep 29 2011 10:51 AM

    WGT: You have changed the precision of the clubs.  Clubs that were purchased with a specific precision are now not as precise.  I believe I and every other player who has purchased equipment are entitled to refunds for the reduction of precision in the clubs.

    I noticed that the CG 64 degree wedge used to have 12 avatar movements for a 7 yrd chip. Now ther are only 6!  Half the precision has been taken away.

    I checked other clubs and the precision has been cut in half.  The clubs still show 4 1/2 dots of precision.  What is the reason behind this?  WGT Icon, what is going on?

    What about the balls?  Were they changed to?  Hard to figure that one out since the attributes in the Pro Shop are the same as before the update and who really knows besides the programmer.

    Is this another bait and switch?  With all the disconnects, hanging windows and quitters freezing games I would think WGT would be trying to make paying customers happy.  Is WGT so financially strapped that they need to scam existing players out of more cash?  And hide behind terms and conditions?

    Times have changed so much you cant trust anyone or company any more.  This site is starting to react like Hollywood Poker.  Manipulate everything to make sure that WGT gets as much as possible.   Whatever happened to companies trying to make new and existing customers feel good about making a purchase and enticing them to continue purchasing items?  It used to be the customer was always right.  Now it is that companies say this is what is it is, take it or leave it.  We will sell to someone else.

    The mentality shown regarding the management of this site is questionable at the very least.

    I really enjoy this game and being able to play against live players and chat and such.  However, my Xbox is right here next to me.  Doesnot freeze, does not nickle and dime me to death.

    Extremely unhappy customer.

  • jeamsy
    3 Posts
    Thu, Sep 29 2011 10:53 AM

    Too many players spending to much money for them to give a damn. If someone had aan idea how to organize an internation strike of some sort, or a boycott, then I assure you the would listen. I agree, the are taking the piss. Soon I will just quit WGT.


    Tiger woods online? I will try that. If its better as you say, Im out of here


  • iukine
    195 Posts
    Thu, Sep 29 2011 2:33 PM

    Since I don't use the method of watching the player avatar during my swing nothing has changed for me, maybe trying a different style would help. I would be raising hell if they had changed it the other way though!

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Thu, Sep 29 2011 2:48 PM


    WGT: You have changed the precision of the clubs.  Clubs that were purchased with a specific precision are now not as precise.  I believe I and every other player who has purchased equipment are entitled to refunds for the reduction of precision in the clubs.

    I noticed that the CG 64 degree wedge used to have 12 avatar movements for a 7 yrd chip. Now ther are only 6!  Half the precision has been taken away.

    I checked other clubs and the precision has been cut in half.  The clubs still show 4 1/2 dots of precision.  What is the reason behind this?  WGT Icon, what is going on?

    What about the balls?  Were they changed to?  Hard to figure that one out since the attributes in the Pro Shop are the same as before the update and who really knows besides the programmer.

    Is this another bait and switch?  With all the disconnects, hanging windows and quitters freezing games I would think WGT would be trying to make paying customers happy.  Is WGT so financially strapped that they need to scam existing players out of more cash?  And hide behind terms and conditions?

    Times have changed so much you cant trust anyone or company any more.  This site is starting to react like Hollywood Poker.  Manipulate everything to make sure that WGT gets as much as possible.   Whatever happened to companies trying to make new and existing customers feel good about making a purchase and enticing them to continue purchasing items?  It used to be the customer was always right.  Now it is that companies say this is what is it is, take it or leave it.  We will sell to someone else.

    The mentality shown regarding the management of this site is questionable at the very least.

    I really enjoy this game and being able to play against live players and chat and such.  However, my Xbox is right here next to me.  Doesnot freeze, does not nickle and dime me to death.

    Extremely unhappy customer.



    the clubs are as precise as they were. What you think of precision is not precision but just frame breaks on meter. Yes, they do make it easier to hit set distance, but it's not precision per say.


  • trumpy959
    99 Posts
    Thu, Sep 29 2011 5:03 PM

    Very well said dacrash, that has to be one of the best posts I've ever read here in these forums. Thanks to you as well wgticon for always being here when we need you with a response for the forum concerns, even though that last one was a bunch of bologna...

    I personaly dont use avatar moves but can certainly understand how pissed off the members that do would be if all of a sudden the virtual tools that were bought and paid for, had been changed. Despite what it states in the terms and conditions I see this the same way most of us do, which is a slimey way WGT cooked up to skim a little more cheese off the top. After all of the countless hours and money spent there's absolutely no way you can justify it...  im sorry. 

    WGT can, and will do whatever they must as a business but just like dacrash so eliquently put it... "my Xbox is right here next to me.  Doesnot freeze, does not nickle and dime me to death."  will be the thought many of us have from now on...


  • genorb
    1,255 Posts
    Thu, Sep 29 2011 5:33 PM


    the clubs are as precise as they were. What you think of precision is not precision but just frame breaks on meter. Yes, they do make it easier to hit set distance, but it's not precision per say.

    You are completely right but you are playing with the words. We know that precision is related to the radius of the circle of precision (or something of this kind). The more dots the smaller this radius (so for a dinged shot without wind and flat landing area, the ball will always stop within this circle).

    But the meter scale is of course important in practice. Let me take the following extreme example to make my point. Take a club with infinite precision, such as the above mentioned circle shrink to a point. This is thus an extremely precise club (cannot be more precise). But now imagine that there is no break (no avatar movements) and the scale on the meter is not linear (10% choke is not 90% of power for example) and moreover this nonlinear scale change from 1 round to another. Then this highly precise club is in practice completely unprecise and unusable. One cannot calibrate this highly precise club with respect to distance by any means (even tape or similar thing on the screen would not work in this extreme example).

    We are not here in this extreme situation obviously, but reducing the number of breaks near full shot makes in practice the club less accurate. We have less marks to calibrate the club for distance.


  • JuanMendoza
    469 Posts
    Thu, Sep 29 2011 5:41 PM

    Paper strip is MUCH more accurate than avatar movements.

    The change has NOT affected this. The scale was never linear.

    The game has not changed for me.

  • genorb
    1,255 Posts
    Thu, Sep 29 2011 5:56 PM


    The game has not changed for me.

    I am happy for you, but it's not all about you.

    You know they could go further in the future and make scale different for each single club. Then you would have to make paper strips for each club you have, funny no?



  • JuanMendoza
    469 Posts
    Thu, Sep 29 2011 6:15 PM

    Mental calculation is the game, adjustment to change is a constant factor in life.

    Bring it on.

  • Dukiedong
    73 Posts
    Thu, Sep 29 2011 6:21 PM

    Paper strips, avatar ur all way too into this game. I use no props I just play by feel. Some days it's there others it's not. I know I am not the best player on this site...heck I'm not even close but I hang with most of the best players on any given day and nothing has changed for me other than the sharks out there who are level 93 Masters. I would prefer WGT to find a way to troll the waters and rid it of the sharks instead of spending their time answering stupid questions from people who live to bi tch about everything in their lives.