WGT: You have changed the precision of the clubs. Clubs that were purchased with a specific precision are now not as precise. I believe I and every other player who has purchased equipment are entitled to refunds for the reduction of precision in the clubs.
I noticed that the CG 64 degree wedge used to have 12 avatar movements for a 7 yrd chip. Now ther are only 6! Half the precision has been taken away.
I checked other clubs and the precision has been cut in half. The clubs still show 4 1/2 dots of precision. What is the reason behind this? WGT Icon, what is going on?
What about the balls? Were they changed to? Hard to figure that one out since the attributes in the Pro Shop are the same as before the update and who really knows besides the programmer.
Is this another bait and switch? With all the disconnects, hanging windows and quitters freezing games I would think WGT would be trying to make paying customers happy. Is WGT so financially strapped that they need to scam existing players out of more cash? And hide behind terms and conditions?
Times have changed so much you cant trust anyone or company any more. This site is starting to react like Hollywood Poker. Manipulate everything to make sure that WGT gets as much as possible. Whatever happened to companies trying to make new and existing customers feel good about making a purchase and enticing them to continue purchasing items? It used to be the customer was always right. Now it is that companies say this is what is it is, take it or leave it. We will sell to someone else.
The mentality shown regarding the management of this site is questionable at the very least.
I really enjoy this game and being able to play against live players and chat and such. However, my Xbox is right here next to me. Doesnot freeze, does not nickle and dime me to death.
Extremely unhappy customer.