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WGT Please respond

Wed, May 30 2012 6:31 PM (79 replies)
  • JaLaBar
    1,254 Posts
    Sat, Oct 1 2011 1:19 AM

    I also have never used avatar movements, so the change in graphics hasn't affected me.  I used a % of the meter, and what was 60% is still 60%.  Also have not noticed a change recently in the speed of the meter.  So no, they have not changed the precision of the clubs at all.  At base, all they did was change the swing graphic.

    Amusing... if all they had done was add an inch to the length of the meters, those of us that use ruler strips would have been the ones complaining, and those of you that use avatar movements would have been here telling us we should have used avatar movements.

    And I'd think it would be just as easy for them to add another 'ball' of stat capacity as it would be to go in and downgrade all the current clubs.

    I understand, WGT made some changes that a lot of people are unhappy with, due to it altering their known calculations... of course, whenever you change a club, you have to refigure it anyway, so recalculating isn't something new.  What gets me is all the daft conspiracy theorists that WGT only makes changes to increase profits.  People have complained about load times.  Reducing the avatar movements from 12 to 6 or 8 to 4 or whatever cuts that avatar graphics that need to load in half.  They thought it would help times.  And it may.

    But businesses don't stay in business by trying to milk their customers.  I have never sensed that from WGT.  No, they aren't a charity.  They need enough income to pay the employees, to keep the site running, and to make the agreements necessary for us to have new equipment, and new courses.  Nothing good in life is free.  But to those that have said that WGT did this as just a way to boost profits, I think the premise is absurd.

  • dacrash
    475 Posts
    Sat, Oct 1 2011 2:12 AM

    I understand your point of view. However ALL companies are out to get as much as possible from every customer. Otherwise, why be in business at all. I believe that 99% of business's will do whatever it takes. Banks starting to charge fees for every type of transaction, including actually speaking to a live teller. That is an extreme example.

    When you take your car in to be serviced, they will say that you need some additional services. Food manufactures that advertise a new price, but it really is just in a different package, with fewer goods in the package. Example: coffee used to be in a 5lb can, now the can is about the same size, but only has 3 lbs. They put it on ad and people buy it. Just a few examples.

    Perhaps you might want to look around you and see things as they really are. I live in the real world. I unfortunately can’t afford to believe every ad and statement make by a company and have to educate myself on whatever item I need to purchase. I suggest you do the same thing. REALLY look the next time you go shopping.

    I can’t afford to purchase new clubs whenever a change is made. I have stated in a previous posts, that I don’t have a real problem with WGT making the changes, I protest that us players(customers) were not notified that the changes were coming and to expect the changes.

    In order to present new clubs in the future, existing clubs had to be made to be obsolete. How many new clubs can be added with only 1/2 a dot of precision to work with. This is just business to WGT, and if a business is not trying to get more from each customer, they will not be in business for long.

    May your putts roll true and the Eagles eat your birdies.


  • P924
    2 Posts
    Sat, Oct 1 2011 3:06 AM

    I just spend 25 minutes lining up which putter, wedges, irons and woods to buy, $48.00 worth. So how long will they be "effective" as advertised? I'm fairly new here and read some posts about "money grabbing" and it troubles me that there's so much tension.


    So will I spend this $48.00 every couple of months or every 5 months? How fast are these " game changes" occurring? Will they move the tees back too far, resulting in all of us needing better drivers?


    At least if we all bought $48.00 cd's we could keep the game as is and play it forever. Then as we progressed in the game, better clubs would be available as we moved back to harder tees etc.


    What's true is true, there isn't lag on those gaming consoles, no site maintenance, no abuse, no disconnections, no equipment going obsolete, no wicked and wild wind effects when it is only blowing gently, no cup sizes shrinking/ getting sharper and no need to pay $48 every few months.


    I guess my question is, should I stay here and pay or get a $48 golf game for play station and play with friends?

  • JaLaBar
    1,254 Posts
    Sat, Oct 1 2011 6:42 AM

    In order to present new clubs in the future, existing clubs had to be made to be obsolete. How many new clubs can be added with only 1/2 a dot of precision to work with. This is just business to WGT, and if a business is not trying to get more from each customer, they will not be in business for long.

    Which would be feasible had they decreased the performance of the current clubs at all, but they did not.  The current clubs still have the exact same specs that they had.  The difference is in the swing graphic.  The clubs still perform just as they did.  Players who used avatar movements just have to refigure them.

  • JuanMendoza
    469 Posts
    Sat, Oct 1 2011 5:30 PM

    Play MPC and use other people's money for balls and clubs...

  • birdwell
    561 Posts
    Sat, Oct 1 2011 6:14 PM


    I just spend 25 minutes lining up which putter, wedges, irons and woods to buy, $48.00 worth. So how long will they be "effective" as advertised? I'm fairly new here and read some posts about "money grabbing" and it troubles me that there's so much tension.


    So will I spend this $48.00 every couple of months or every 5 months? How fast are these " game changes" occurring? Will they move the tees back too far, resulting in all of us needing better drivers?


    Your clubs will only be "effective" as you are. 

    You do get placed on tees further back as you advance. Us Legends are playing from as far back as you can get, so no, WGT isn't going to move the tees back, that is all tied to the tier system, as are green speeds.

    How much you spend beyond your initial investment depends solely on you. It depends on how good you can play and how competitive you want to be. You don't need the top of the line stuff - unless it is your personality that you have to have that. 

    I am still rocking the g-10 irons, which aren't even the second best clubs - and I do very well head to head with others in my tier with the best equipment. I am at a disadvantage on a few holes, but it still comes down to the putter in the end. Course management and a solid short game will serve you better than most any club upgrade.


  • birdwell
    561 Posts
    Sat, Oct 1 2011 6:16 PM

    The current clubs still have the exact same specs that they had.  The difference is in the swing graphic.  The clubs still perform just as they did.  Players who used avatar movements just have to refigure them.



    I wish WGT would put this statement in a big banner on the home page! 

  • ukbasher
    8 Posts
    Sat, Oct 1 2011 7:06 PM


    I also have never used avatar movements, so the change in graphics hasn't affected me.  I used a % of the meter, and what was 60% is still 60%.  Also have not noticed a change recently in the speed of the meter.  So no, they have not changed the precision of the clubs at all.  At base, all they did was change the swing graphic.

    Amusing... if all they had done was add an inch to the length of the meters, those of us that use ruler strips would have been the ones complaining, and those of you that use avatar movements would have been here telling us we should have used avatar movements.

    And I'd think it would be just as easy for them to add another 'ball' of stat capacity as it would be to go in and downgrade all the current clubs.

    I understand, WGT made some changes that a lot of people are unhappy with, due to it altering their known calculations... of course, whenever you change a club, you have to refigure it anyway, so recalculating isn't something new.  What gets me is all the daft conspiracy theorists that WGT only makes changes to increase profits.  People have complained about load times.  Reducing the avatar movements from 12 to 6 or 8 to 4 or whatever cuts that avatar graphics that need to load in half.  They thought it would help times.  And it may.

    But businesses don't stay in business by trying to milk their customers.  I have never sensed that from WGT.  No, they aren't a charity.  They need enough income to pay the employees, to keep the site running, and to make the agreements necessary for us to have new equipment, and new courses.  Nothing good in life is free.  But to those that have said that WGT did this as just a way to boost profits, I think the premise is absurd.

    WGT is a LOAD of BOLLOCKS, All it is out for is YOUR MONEY,  or ANY 1 that is EAGER to WASTE Money on a Site that Encourages You to Spend Money on THERE SITE, for example,  Balls, Clubs Etc Etc. Im sure the game u r playing changes with who ever u r playing, Amateur versus Grand Master is a NO NO, cos 1 will Quit b4 end of game. This should be SORTED OUT? Anybody who Quits SHOULD be PENALISED


  • anthonyvp1
    212 Posts
    Sat, Oct 1 2011 7:56 PM


    Which would be feasible had they decreased the performance of the current clubs at all, but they did not.  The current clubs still have the exact same specs that they had.  The difference is in the swing graphic.  The clubs still perform just as they did.  Players who used avatar movements just have to refigure them.

    Oh yes they did. Once I became a master ALL the club dynamics changed. I could not stick the ball on my flops, drive my T shots or "ding" the meter and have it actually go where it was aimed. Now I have to "play" for variances AFTER the ball is struck.

    Every time an "upgrade" is made players have to relearn how the clubs and balls react. I don't know what other truths I can say.


  • birdwell
    561 Posts
    Sat, Oct 1 2011 9:01 PM


    Oh yes they did. Once I became a master ALL the club dynamics changed. I could not stick the ball on my flops, drive my T shots or "ding" the meter and have it actually go where it was aimed. Now I have to "play" for variances AFTER the ball is struck.

    Every time an "upgrade" is made players have to relearn how the clubs and balls react. I don't know what other truths I can say.


    Once you made master  you were playing from different tees - which means you are hitting longer iron shots and therefor less room for error

    and also  the green speeds got faster - meaning that it was much harder to stop the ball.

    and likely facing different winds - which takes a bit of will to master.

    I guess all these things were incidental and it was really your clubs that changed. My BAD!


    ...not trying to attack you here, but if you want to do well here, you often have to try to rationalize what seems completely irrational. There are random elements to this game, but they do have a controlled range. Sometimes the sleight deviations add up to a really bad result - like the wind taking your ball a bit more to the left, and your tee shot starting a bit to the left also. It happens...