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WGT Please respond

Wed, May 30 2012 6:31 PM (79 replies)
  • P924
    2 Posts
    Sat, Oct 1 2011 10:55 PM


    Your clubs will only be "effective" as you are. 

    You do get placed on tees further back as you advance. Us Legends are playing from as far back as you can get, so no, WGT isn't going to move the tees back, that is all tied to the tier system, as are green speeds.

    How much you spend beyond your initial investment depends solely on you. It depends on how good you can play and how competitive you want to be. You don't need the top of the line stuff - unless it is your personality that you have to have that. 

    I am still rocking the g-10 irons, which aren't even the second best clubs - and I do very well head to head with others in my tier with the best equipment. I am at a disadvantage on a few holes, but it still comes down to the putter in the end. Course management and a solid short game will serve you better than most any club upgrade.

    Thanks for the reply, it was very helpful


  • Ecka65
    245 Posts
    Sun, Oct 2 2011 12:22 AM

    Must be my meds, but I've just gotta stick my neck out.

    What a load of whinging and moaning!  So to all those who used avatar movements, you never actually saw how much power each movement took off?  Didn't look?  Blind?  You've got your clubs mapped to such precision but if the avatar moves less you no longer know how hard to hit it?  How far it'll go?  ARE YOU KIDDING ME???


  • bifferskipper
    76 Posts
    Sun, Oct 2 2011 12:24 AM


    Must be my meds, but I've just gotta stick my neck out.

    What a load of whinging and moaning!  So to all those who used avatar movements, you never actually saw how much power each movement took off?  Didn't look?  Blind?  You've got your clubs mapped to such precision but if the avatar moves less you no longer know how hard to hit it?  How far it'll go?  ARE YOU KIDDING ME???



  • dacrash
    475 Posts
    Sun, Oct 2 2011 1:21 AM

    So Ecla65, if they change the length of the meter without notifying the players, you would be okay with that? No doubt you know exactly where to move the slider for each shot. Changing the length of the meter, would require you to relearn each shot. One day you log on, get into a game and take your first shot and it goes very short for example. The next shot does not go as you know it should. You would be very confused just like the players who use avatar movements for length of shot. Then you find out through the grapevine that the meter length was changed. If that would not send you to the forum to vent, you are an angel and my hat goes off to you.

    I purchased my clubs based on the precision just like the putters. If you have noticed in the forum, the avatar for putting was not changed. Why, you might ask? Well, because the precision of the putters is based on the different distance settings and within that the number of avatar movements in the swing of the putter. So if the number of avatar movements for other clubs has been reduced to approx. 1/2, I consider that a reduction of precision. Regardless of the radius explanation of precision. The logic and explanation do not hold water.

    If you read the rest of the posts in the forum, I have stated that I don’t object to my clubs "wearing out" and needing to get new ones from time to time. I don’t appreciate that the changes were made without notification. Thus leaving many players wondering what has been changed and no information from WGT.

    Also, if precision is not a function of the avatar movements, why are there tutorials teaching that method. That's how found out how to count avatar movements.

    I plan on continuing to play here and buy balls and clubs as new ones are introduced. I just request that changes made to the game that can greatly affect the way a player plays be communicated. Small pop up window when you log on. Easy to do.

    WGT usually notifies players when there is going to be an update. There was no advance warning of the updates. 4 of us were playing a game and the game froze, then went to the site is down for maintenance message.

    COMMUNICATION, COMMUNICATION, communication. Rule number 1 for all successful companies.

    Hit them straight and rollem true.


  • Ecka65
    245 Posts
    Sun, Oct 2 2011 1:51 AM


    So Ecla65, if they change the length of the meter without notifying the players, you would be okay with that?

    They didn't change the length of the meter.  They didn't change anything except for a few frames of a graphical avatar.  Now I know they sell clothes we can dress our avatars in, but clearly I haven't fallen head over heels in love with mine like some have.

    I don't study his or her swing in the game.  Far more important things to study.

    PS:  I've been shootin' my best scores ever since the update.  No loss of precision with my clubs or putter.


  • DarSum
    1,440 Posts
    Sun, Oct 2 2011 2:00 AM



    Must be my meds, but I've just gotta stick my neck out.

    What a load of whinging and moaning!  So to all those who used avatar movements, you never actually saw how much power each movement took off?  Didn't look?  Blind?  You've got your clubs mapped to such precision but if the avatar moves less you no longer know how hard to hit it?  How far it'll go?  ARE YOU KIDDING ME???


    If you don't play the game using the avatar movements then you have no idea wtf you're even asking.

    I made the post right after the update was made. I had no idea they changed movements and was registered in ready go tournaments. A difference as little as 3 yrds can be huge with wedges. Say I could have put it 2 yrds away with the previous avatar movements for a 6 foot putt. But with the change I was guessing. So my guess is 3 yrds off. That 6 foot putt now becomes 15 feet.

    As I stated above. If you don't play the game with avatar movements you wouldn't understand the frustration the first time you played a round (for credits = money) with the new movements.

    It would be similar to asking a person who plays by percentage to play by using avatar movements and vice versa. Not quite as bad but damn close.

    My gripe was nothing was announced for this tweak. And some of us play for money. You/they can call them credits. Those credits are created with actual money.

    If you can't understand the reason for the original post now, you never will.

  • Ecka65
    245 Posts
    Sun, Oct 2 2011 2:56 AM

    Fair enough, but I think my point (whilst blunt) is valid.  You should know how hard to hit it - AND - if you're playing for money you gotta sink those 15 footers anyway.

    I play for money.  I wouldn't if I felt I needed 5+ putts inside 6 feet to win per 9 holes.

  • genorb
    1,255 Posts
    Sun, Oct 2 2011 5:41 AM


    Fair enough, but I think my point (whilst blunt) is valid.  You should know how hard to hit it

    you are completely right. We still know more or less where the previous avatar movements were along the meter but this has some impact anyway.

    The length of the meter is the same for each club (I think, didn't check for each single club), except for a tiny difference for the putter but it's essentially the same. So 1cm along the meter represent a very short distance when you putt with the 15ft scale (around 2-3ft, but it doesn't matter for my point here if the figures are exactly right) but 1cm when you use a 220yds iron would represent 25-30 yds.

    So for putting, I don't even use avatar movement or scale glued on screen etc, nothing but feel because few millimeters doesn't represent much change in the distance, but with a long iron, 1mm is already few yds. 

    Avatar movements were used as virtual graduations along the meter. For the first few movements starting from full shot, players have calibrated their clubs by trial and errors (which takes some time). So after a large number of rounds, one knew with good accuracy the distance corresponding to those virtual graduations. And in between them, interpolation (guessestimate if you want) were used. If one decreases the number of avatar movements near fulls shot, the distance between two consecutive virtual graduations is thus increased and this has an impact on this interpolation and on accuracy of the estimated distance.

    As I already explained in another thread, they could have easily reduced the number of frames for the swing animation (going from 20 to 12) without changing the 4 first avatar movement. You keep the 4 first movement and reduced by a factor two the rest of the frames (4+16/2 = 12). This would have the same impact on loading time without changing the game play for those whose took of their time to calibrate their clubs with respect to avatar movements.

    It takes time (a lot of time) to master this game (and this is an endless process). Estimate correctly distances is one important aspect. With this change, they have affected the game play of some players. In my view, this is not respectful because those players spend time and money to try to improve their game and now they have to start again the work, spending time and money again :) .


  • JaLaBar
    1,254 Posts
    Sun, Oct 2 2011 6:17 AM

    I don't see the change as disrespectful.  However, I do understand that what many are complaining about is not that they made the change, but that they made it without telling anyone.  Once you enter a Ready-Go for example, then tee off, it is too late to figure out the new avatar movements.  You've already spent your 100c AND are comitted to finishing that RG before you can do anything else like hit the practice range to refigure the movements.  That is an understandable complaint, and an issue that WGT should have been upfront about.

  • JaLaBar
    1,254 Posts
    Sun, Oct 2 2011 6:23 AM


    Oh yes they did. Once I became a master ALL the club dynamics changed. I could not stick the ball on my flops, drive my T shots or "ding" the meter and have it actually go where it was aimed. Now I have to "play" for variances AFTER the ball is struck.

    Every time an "upgrade" is made players have to relearn how the clubs and balls react. I don't know what other truths I can say.

    Perhaps I need to rephrase:

    "Which would be feasible if at any time they had decreased the performance of my clubs, but they have not.  My clubs still have the same exact specs that they had.  The difference is in the swing graphic.  My clubs still perform just as they have.  In fact, at no time since I have been playing here have the specs on my clubs changed.  My clubs have performed consistently, the3 only changes coming when I changed clubs."

    There... FIFY

    And my condolences as it appears WGT has been changing your clubs while leaving mine alone.  Sounds like a personal issue you may want to address with them.