Im hoping someone at WGT see's this and realizes this idea will "increase profits" for WGT.
I have seen countless threads here about buying balls mid round. When you have 1 hit left on a ball you have the option of buying more. However, and this happens many times per day across WGT, a player may not realize, or simply be in the habit of disregarding the message, that this is his last ball of this brand.
Doesnt it make sense, when one runs out of the ball he was using mid round, he is given the option before the rounds proceeds to buy the same sleeve of balls he was playing with on his last shot?
The "extra" profit Im referring to is allowing the player to purchase the sleeve INSTEAD of finishing the round with a "free" WGT ball. For the remainder of that round the player will be using up hits on this ball he just purchased thus decreasing the amount of time before purchase of a new sleeve.
It just makes sense to increase profit to allow the game to thrive.