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Flash player

Sat, Sep 26 2020 2:15 AM (60 replies)
  • GrahamB2014
    2,192 Posts
    Thu, Sep 24 2020 12:47 PM

    This really is the most important question that WGT should come out and answer.

    Will they continue to maintain , update and support the Flash version of the game beyond this year ?.

    A simple question to answer but will they I doubt it ?.

  • Cicero733
    2,319 Posts
    Thu, Sep 24 2020 2:29 PM

    Just an opinion.

    From a business perspective I think any enterprise would be hard pressed to justify spending development and support dollars on a product that has reached its EOL. Plus, WGT is currently supporting 3 versions of this game, flash, mobile, and EA. The demise of flash will leave only 2 versions which will reduce operating expenses. Once that is realized no CFO will want to reinvest that savings in a legacy product. All available resources will be directed toward the two remaining viable versions.

  • twinponds169
    3,052 Posts
    Thu, Sep 24 2020 2:55 PM

    And I guess people can't comprehend the word "Unsupported"

    My thinking is the "unsupported" will be on WGT's end.

    I can see the first glitch of the new year being something like, unable to change club selection, so you have to use the caddy given club on the tee for the entire hole until you get on the green and the caddy gives you a putter but only one power meter for it

    . Do you think WGT will care or fix it? Highly doubt it. Will it still be fun to play when some glitch like that becomes permanent?

  • Ladychipper
    23,231 Posts
    Thu, Sep 24 2020 3:21 PM

    Try out the new version or EAPC.  You don't have to wear silly clothes unless you want to.  The only time the apparel helps you is if you play coin games. 

    I don't think any of the flash player versions will be safe for long if any will work at all.  You leave yourself wide open for viruses. 

    This tells me that all flash won't run after the EOL date.

     Flash-based content will be blocked from running in Adobe Flash Player after the EOL Date.

  • garyk49
    2,333 Posts
    Thu, Sep 24 2020 3:40 PM

    If you want my opinion JD, in 31th of December the gameplay page will go down...and NO, won't be because of non supporting flash from the browser...

    That is a distinct possibility.  I still run win7 64bit on this computer so that Microsoft has no control of it.  I think the other possibility for all those that run win10, Microsoft will probably make Win10 no longer run flash content.

    I find it amazing the number of people that are just now poking their heads out from under rocks concerning this flash situation.  I answer the question in a different forum post about what were they gonna do when their computer stops running flash in December.  It has nothing to do with computer, it has all to do with software.

    I was looking through some of the posts here earlier and did some testing.

    Right now I have at least 4 browsers that handle flash just fine.

    Torch ver build)(32bit) flash

    Comodo Dragon flash

    SRWare Iron 40.0.21500 flash

    And my browser of choice for game use.

    FlashPeak Slimjet based on Chormium 40.0.2214.93(65 bit) flash

    All the above, I turn flash on and then forget it, don't have to do it again everytime I come back.  Firefox, Chrome are a pain in the butt to use.  Opera just flat refuses to run flash, this will be the norm for these browsers in the near future, along with Win10.

    I have others I could have checked but saw no need.  Flash, PCEA, and Steam all work just fine.  

    Find a browser that works and quit updating it, that will make it not work in the future.

    Microsoft is trying real hard to take over all aspects of your internet use.  Example; until recently I had a beta version of Edge of this computer, until one day not too long ago, even tho I had updating off, Microsoft forced an update to it.  It no longer worked correctly, open a page and it immediately closed.

    Someone asked if Steam was gonna be only choice, eventually I think that will be the case.  VAC will be turned on and a number will get banned.


    6,890 Posts
    Thu, Sep 24 2020 3:43 PM

    Try out the new version or EAPC.  You don't have to wear silly clothes unless you want to.  The only time the apparel helps you is if you play coin games. 


    Mrs Chipper

    I have tried the PCEA and its horribly arcade like ....But I won't sit here and tear it to pieces...It is what it is and not for me ...And as far as the "Apparel" goes.... I wish it was coin games only !! But it's surly not as a matter of fact the only time you CAN'T use the "Cheat gear" (as I call it) is in WGT and CC Tourneys ...Its there for stroke play.... alt/shot which actually doesn't bother me to much..... BUT is works for skins and match play as well and that to me ruins every thing!! I play for credits almost 90% of the time and I refuse to be at a disadvantage playing against people that have tremendous add on's because they they have "bundled all the same brand apparel" (ridiculous non golf theory BTW) and play hours in coin rooms winning apparel packs and they now have a driver that travels 330 into a 15 mph wind.... 

    I guess Bryson DeChambeau won the US Open because he "Bundled" all his "Puma" apparel and played a bunch of coin games to add all his new found distance ...😂

    6,890 Posts
    Thu, Sep 24 2020 4:35 PM

    That is a distinct possibility.  I still run win7 64bit on this computer so that Microsoft has no control of it.  I think the other possibility for all those that run win10, Microsoft will probably make Win10 no longer run flash content.


    I have windows 10 but I play on an older laptop that first came with 8.1 i am thinking if I do a factory reboot it will start up with Windows 8.1?

  • garyk49
    2,333 Posts
    Thu, Sep 24 2020 8:14 PM


    I have windows 10 but I play on an older laptop that first came with 8.1 i am thinking if I do a factory reboot it will start up with Windows 8.1?

    I take it you upgraded when it was free to 10.  That makes the upgrade a couple of years old.

    You can take a look at this article, maybe.  Read somewhere else either after 10 days or 30 days, the answer would be no.

    I wouldn't touch it for now, wait until/if it becomes a problem.


  • Yiannis1970
    3,351 Posts
    Fri, Sep 25 2020 9:51 AM
    Don't change OS just yet JD. Either way, after 31/12 will let people know if the game still runs on flash (Win 7 here of course...). Went with 10s for 96 hours...was enough time for me to kick them to the moon.
    6,890 Posts
    Fri, Sep 25 2020 11:52 AM

    Ok lads thanks