Yiannis1970:If you want my opinion JD, in 31th of December the gameplay page will go down...and NO, won't be because of non supporting flash from the browser...
That is a distinct possibility. I still run win7 64bit on this computer so that Microsoft has no control of it. I think the other possibility for all those that run win10, Microsoft will probably make Win10 no longer run flash content.
I find it amazing the number of people that are just now poking their heads out from under rocks concerning this flash situation. I answer the question in a different forum post about what were they gonna do when their computer stops running flash in December. It has nothing to do with computer, it has all to do with software.
I was looking through some of the posts here earlier and did some testing.
Right now I have at least 4 browsers that handle flash just fine.
Torch ver build)(32bit) flash
Comodo Dragon flash
SRWare Iron 40.0.21500 flash
And my browser of choice for game use.
FlashPeak Slimjet based on Chormium 40.0.2214.93(65 bit) flash
All the above, I turn flash on and then forget it, don't have to do it again everytime I come back. Firefox, Chrome are a pain in the butt to use. Opera just flat refuses to run flash, this will be the norm for these browsers in the near future, along with Win10.
I have others I could have checked but saw no need. Flash, PCEA, and Steam all work just fine.
Find a browser that works and quit updating it, that will make it not work in the future.
Microsoft is trying real hard to take over all aspects of your internet use. Example; until recently I had a beta version of Edge of this computer, until one day not too long ago, even tho I had updating off, Microsoft forced an update to it. It no longer worked correctly, open a page and it immediately closed.
Someone asked if Steam was gonna be only choice, eventually I think that will be the case. VAC will be turned on and a number will get banned.