SgtDoodles: Why change the whole swing method, which would take quite a while to do, just to answer a few small requests
After reading 2,000 threads, and 1,000,000 posts, do you think this is a "real small thing"?
1 million posts? There's only ~200,000 posts on the forum. As for all the threads I've seen, I've seen about 10 or so requests to change to TrueSwing or something. If WGT changed the swing to TrueSwing, there would be problems - the form of cheating calling "Edging" using that swing mode comes to mind. Otherwise, all swing modes would have lag.
If you want zero lag on every single shot, take it up with Adobe Flash, buy a £2,000 computer or quit whinging.
As for edgers...
"Edgers" is a term for players (cheaters) who use the 'True Swing' control method which is an up and down movement of the mouse controling the direction and force of the swing. The problem is that a keyboard shortcut can easily be assigned to lock the vertical axis allowing a player to hit perfectly straight shots each time without exception.
After learning to adjust to the various wind conditions they will be inside 3ft on every approach shot, shooting a typical -22 or lower for 18 meaning a birdie or eagle on every single hole. They can easily use a straight edge as well to hit what appears to be controlled hooks and draws giving the impression they have some type of special skill with there mouse during this supposed freehand movement...