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Premium Tournies in High Wind are bad

rated by 0 users
Thu, Oct 13 2011 7:01 AM (38 replies)
  • Ecka65
    245 Posts
    Wed, Oct 5 2011 6:46 PM

    I've asked once before but never got an answer - are all players faced with the same winds (direction and grunt) in single play Tournaments?

    I suspect the truth is "no" and as such, I've come to the opinion that premium tournaments in high wind are simply unfair.  The wind speed and direction can transform some holes from easy birdies to tricky pars and visa versa.  On some St A holes for example it can mean the difference between two putt birdies and fescued anythings.

    If a player puts their money up, it should be an even contest (as much as that is possible with the equipment / level relationship).  If I get beneficial winds, I'd like to think I outplayed my opponents - rather than they got screwed by the wind - and visa versa.  It can make a BIG difference stroke wise.

  • Wontonamo
    2,269 Posts
    Wed, Oct 5 2011 7:00 PM

    everyone gets different wind directions but the strength is the same for all. its just the way it is i guess - irl tourneys are played where early morning tee offs sometimes give better conditions then the afternoon etc so they just hafta play their rounds regardless of who gets what conditions. sometimes u get lucky and get a good windset and score well, sometimes u get that and dont lol - and sometimes despite the odds u do well anyway regardless of the windset.  just have to deal with whats dealt really.

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Thu, Oct 6 2011 11:30 PM


    the winds are random but without parameters. For example: high winds on STA are 24-31 so every wind should be inside that. But, yes, they are random for everyone. In the long run, it works out the best in my view.


  • JaLaBar
    1,254 Posts
    Thu, Oct 6 2011 11:50 PM

    In the long run, it works out the best in my view.

    Why would you think that, WGTICon?  Why would it work out best that, in an RG, one player could have 30 MPH wind in his face on S A #17 and another in the same competition could have 30 MPH tailwind and outdrive the first player by 80y?  I think it's really ludicrous.  What would work out best would be a consistent, general wind direction for all players in a given competition.

    No, ideally, in a competition where players are investing their own money to play, and can win more money, the conditions should be uniform.  That would work out best.  Right now, what we have is a situation where, if you get lucky with the wind, you'll have an immense advantage over another player who does not, which imbalances things and is actually the worst possible option.

    " actually the worst possible option."  Perhaps a new meaning of the phrase "it works out best in my view"?

  • ForrestLeigh
    264 Posts
    Fri, Oct 7 2011 12:24 AM


    everyone gets different wind directions but the strength is the same for all. its just the way it is i guess - irl tourneys are played where early morning tee offs sometimes give better conditions then the afternoon etc so they just hafta play their rounds regardless of who gets what conditions. sometimes u get lucky and get a good windset and score well, sometimes u get that and dont lol - and sometimes despite the odds u do well anyway regardless of the windset.  just have to deal with whats dealt really.

    Agreed - but in this scenario the winds are uniform not random, you know where they are coming from, IRL as you go round the course you will know what holes you will have help on, or which will hinder you.

    With WGT you can have headwinds on all the holes (regardless of course position) you'd like a tailwind on, and you can get a tailwind on the holes you really don't want it on


  • ForrestLeigh
    264 Posts
    Fri, Oct 7 2011 12:26 AM


    In the long run, it works out the best in my view.

    Why would you think that, WGTICon?  Why would it work out best that, in an RG, one player could have 30 MPH wind in his face on S A #17 and another in the same competition could have 30 MPH tailwind and outdrive the first player by 80y?  I think it's really ludicrous.  What would work out best would be a consistent, general wind direction for all players in a given competition.

    No, ideally, in a competition where players are investing their own money to play, and can win more money, the conditions should be uniform.  That would work out best.  Right now, what we have is a situation where, if you get lucky with the wind, you'll have an immense advantage over another player who does not, which imbalances things and is actually the worst possible option.

    " actually the worst possible option."  Perhaps a new meaning of the phrase "it works out best in my view"?

    There is nothing good about it - countless players have brought this up but this seems to be the standard answer or no answer is posted


  • Ecka65
    245 Posts
    Fri, Oct 7 2011 2:35 AM

    I appreciate the reply Icon and all others.

    Despite some success there, I've pretty much given up on paying to play at St A due to this factor alone.  So in my view it is far from best.

    Anyone who has spent enough time on each course knows which holes can be wind critical.  St A #9 alone is a flat eagle putt - as long as you don't cop heavy wind in the face.  #5 at Kia is a simple birdie if the breeze is hurting, downwind it can be a difficult par.  All the courses are affected, obviously, but St A in PARTICULAR.  Helpful wind and I can play poorly and score 62.  Opposite wind and I have to play out of my skin to score 62.

    I really can't see how:

    1.  It is best for things to be an unfair lottery or

    2.  Why a computer game that works on code MUST do it this way

    I'd love to see the scores if all players had the exact same conditions in a single play.  Then you'd know who really did best.

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Sun, Oct 9 2011 12:38 AM


    in the long run=many tournaments played. this time you have 30 head on sta #9 and next time others have it and you have some helping tail.

    setting same winds for every hole is simply unrealistic and will be used, when friends share winds and tailor clubs for it (ie adding 4th wedge and dropping driver).


  • MBaggese
    15,369 Posts
    Sun, Oct 9 2011 12:47 AM

    Agree with Icon here (and he'd know for sure...what...50K RG's...lol_ but if you play the RG's over and over again, yuo'll see tht the holes that really matter in regards to wind even out...

    If you pick and choose SA (i/e) for once every 3 days, you might just get shafted and get full onslaught of wind all the time.


    Play, hope, and concentrate.

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Sun, Oct 9 2011 6:34 AM

    setting same winds for every hole is simply unrealistic and will be used, when friends share winds and tailor clubs for it (ie adding 4th wedge and dropping driver).

    Easily overcome IMO.  Enhance the single play premium tournaments by publishing a "weather forecast" which is available after a player enters and shows the wind on every hole.  Adds a bit of strategy to the game I'd think.

    Everyone who enters gets the same winds and the same information.