GIMMMEEE: I played a Monthly Multi tournament back in August n was heading for a comfortable win coming down to the last 9 holes, trouble was the winds (Heavy) were against me, not directly but on angles that were deceptive, n I lost easily.. ..
This is what i'm trying to point out, the beauty of this game is getting a wind angle which is as you say DECEPTIVE, if you get it right you can birdie, but get it wrong and its 6 yards past or short and your'e left cursing. This is what i want to keep in tournaments, not a fixed wind for all pattern, and as mentioned as well a pre tournament weather forecast??
This will take realism away and the word will be spread about that deceptive wind to what direction and angle it REALLY IS, giving the later players an easier chance to birdie (as the first players will have let us all know, by post or by message).
I know its unfair having 1 guy have unfavourable winds but the other has nice scoring winds, but IT DOES even itself out, for example i win one day, but next day i withdraw due to not scoring well and bad winds.
I know this is not real life, but WGT are trying their best to make it real, so a consistant wind for all is just not realistic but random winds does give it a bit of realism (the best they can)
Concentrate on your own game's rather than worry how favourable or unfavourable winds others got. Its the same for us all, EVERYTHING IS RANDOM!
You could land in rough in a challenge match, your opponent lands next to you, you get 25% rough, but your opponent might get 40% rough, would you want this to be fair aswell, and have both your rough match??