I am the player who made the comment directed at the Original Poster.
My actions were without excuse and I understand that they will not/should not be tolerated here or elsewhere.
As far as the poster who mentioned "deeper issues", you are right - - I've not been kind or gracious with my words or attitude on this site on more than one occasion, this just happened to be an outstanding horrible decision on my part. Your comment was blunt, but it was also accurate.
I am not asking for forgiveness, understanding, or to "have my side heard". I have no defendable side in this, so I will not act as though I do. I also fully understand that based on my comment, it is likely that I won't be allowed to play on this site again in the future. I think that is fair - - had someone been that crass toward me, I would not want them to be allowed to play, either.
While I won't "ask" WGT to terminate my account, I completely understand that based on the T&C, they're within their right to do so, and I will not resist that action from them.
+++ The Following is meant for the Original Poster:
Helen, I do not expect you to forgive me based on what I said. The circumstances of the game are irrelevant - my comments are without excuse. I do, however, want you to know that your prompt action in reporting this has been a chance for me to re-evaluate how I treat people in general. No one should be called what I called you. Certainly no one should be called that name or anything similar based on a game. I apologize to you for what I called you, because I know that it wasn't a simple matter of calling you a name in a game - - it must have hurt you far beyond the game, you may even still be hurting now. For that I am sorry.
I also apologize to the community at large - - there's no reason that any of you should have had to post in this thread, because this kind of lacking sportsmanship should never have happened. You've built a respectful, kind community, and I damaged that community last night. The responsibility for that is on me.
I understand that apologies are not erasers of past action. What I did stands as one of the worst things I've done/said to anyone, ever. At this point I am accepting responsibility for what I did, and that is all.
My deepest apologies to Helen and the WGT Community at large.