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2010 WMPL Champion: werksux!!

Fri, Jul 9 2010 12:41 PM (326 replies)
  • nh1977
    91 Posts
    Wed, Dec 23 2009 5:45 PM
    Hello , one question I have it may have been answered already but I Missed it. In the weekly tourneys week1-4 in regards to the unlimited tourneys for qualifying. How is that reported score going to work, I play these tourneys several times in one week. So In theory I could play 10 times pick my best round, record it ( of course it will cross referenced by my player profile ) at the end of the week . Is there any stipulation e.g. score posted on your page must match date on player profile . This is not my intention/reputation , but this seems to be a grey area , and could be taken advantage of Basically when you think you have the round you need ---POST SCORE? I assume you can only post one score for the unlimited tourneys , and if you tried to repost lets say a better score ( the spreadsheet I imagine would notify that score has already been recorded ) If this has already been covered (please point me in the right direction :) ) Looking forward to play in this very organized leauge
  • nivlac
    2,188 Posts
    Wed, Dec 23 2009 6:24 PM


    You'll just need to report your lowest score for the week and that will be the one that counts.  If possible, I'd prefer if you can wait til the end of the week (or when you decide you've had enough with that tournament) before you post your final score, but it's ok if you report each time you knocked a stroke off. 

    So for example, if you shoot a 30 the first time out and you're not sure if you can beat it, then go ahead and post it.  If you happen to fire off a lower score during the week, then just come back and report again and I'll toss out the higher score.

  • nh1977
    91 Posts
    Wed, Dec 23 2009 6:49 PM

    Thanks Nivlac for the quick response. Much appreciatted.

    If I shoot a 30 for example , Ill be posting that no questions asked. lol


  • nivlac
    2,188 Posts
    Sun, Dec 27 2009 12:23 AM


    Sorry guys, I goofed a little on the calendar.  Qualifying will be starting with the Week 2 WGT tournaments, not the Week 1 tournaments as originally specified.  Unfortunately a combination of my looking at Jan '09 and miscounting weeks caused my original projections to be off by a couple days.

    This means qualifying will begin on Monday, January 4th, 2010 and will extend through the completion of the  Week 5 WGT tournaments.  January 31st will be the last day of official WMPL qualifying and the last day for Week 5 WGT tournaments.

    All materials have been updated.  I apologize for the mix-up.

  • 79suited
    17 Posts
    Sun, Dec 27 2009 7:19 AM

    Took the time today to read through this thread.  Excellent job nivlac.  Really like the home course advantage feature you have implemented.  I signed up to try and qualify.  I also went into the National spreadsheet to see if my name has been added,  it has not.  I may be late in getting in, but if not please take a look to ensure that my registration went through correctly.  If i have missed the boat here I wish you the best with this venture, the quality of players that have signed on are excellent, should be a great league.

  • seveking
    983 Posts
    Sun, Dec 27 2009 7:40 AM

    It is possible that you did register correctly, but Nivlac hasn´t taken a look at the spreadsheet yet, so he hasn´t had time to update it. Anyway, off for a week, but I´ll be back for the start of this! Great job!

  • nivlac
    2,188 Posts
    Sun, Dec 27 2009 8:16 AM

    It doesn't auto-transfer folks when they sign up.  I have to do it manually and you registered while I was asleep.  =)

    You're good to go for qualifying 79suited.

  • werksux
    241 Posts
    Sun, Dec 27 2009 8:18 PM
    Sign me up, I'll give it a shot! werksux, master
  • nivlac
    2,188 Posts
    Tue, Dec 29 2009 3:46 PM


    Qualifying Score Submission Form has been posted on the first page under the Qualifying section.  Please have a look at it and ask any necessary questions!  Please do not submit any scores until qualifying begins!

    Qualifying officially starts on January 4th with the release of the Week 2 WGT Tournaments.  That is next Monday!

    5 more days to register for this league!

  • cjfelton
    79 Posts
    Tue, Dec 29 2009 3:54 PM

    Thanks for putting this together Nivlac, this looks like some serious fun and great competition!