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Tue, Oct 21 2014 5:33 AM (190 replies)
  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Fri, Oct 10 2014 9:06 AM

    Hemingway, (He lived near me), Poe all the other greats are arguably the best that have put ink to paper.


    Then you must get more paper. Both good for novelty reading, but both were alcoholics, liked drugs and both commited suicide...Poe crapped out at West Point, and married his 13 year-old cousin, while Hemingway was married 4 for you playing the trusty "21st Century" card, it is weak and exposes beliefs better served in Anaheim so as to be close to "Fantasyland". ;-} 

    ps ~ if you dig Hemingway, you may wish to trade up and enjoy the delightful "Hemingway" cigars from Arturo Fuente

  • ithurtswnipee
    891 Posts
    Fri, Oct 10 2014 9:56 AM

    Another good thread going south by one of the self proclaimed greats.

    Mr Ton, I find it very contradictory of you to be throwing your trash in my direction over something I had nothing to do with except offer up an opinion as you are doing now. I respect your opinion. Less you forget ( and aparrently still harbor anguish over us kicking your butts back to wence you came) that was the reason amonst many others that we, as Americans decided to secede from the oppression from the stiff upper lip crowd. For the freedom of speach. Which by design is the first line item on our bill of rights. Pip Pip.

    Cheerio ole' chap.

    I think it may well be time to get over it. The tea is long gone & along with the taxes you folks wanted for it. Pssst keep it a secret,,,,,,,,,,we found a new substance called coffey.

    kissing buttocks.

    I bow to no Man or Woman for any reason. I have earned that position through my life time of earnest work in the many chosen fields I have partaken of or have been recruited into.

    Before I return the burn, I want to make it absolutly clear that I have enjoyed watching your picturesque postings for the short time I have been here. I believe you to be a level headed individual & humorous. So if you want to take a shot at me, no problem. Just don't whine about getting a bit more than you asked for in return.

    With that being said I will give you what you were intentionaly asking for by personally attacking me with your reply to something I did not start. Just responded to.

    I find it quite deceitful, hypocritical,backstabbing, false, fickle,duplicitous & shameful that you would beat down upon me with the racist card while sending a picture of a KKK member to the OP with no condemnation, or speaking to her of your disdain for racist humor.  All in fun I am sure on her part. Not to cause such ire as you seem to have for me for answering it. I only know of the OP through approximatly 2 dozen posts I have seen while bouncing around in here learning. So applying my lips to a "lady"(as she refers to herself) or any part of her as you so coyly suggest  is not within my DNA. There is NO DOUBT in my mind that you have seen other postings of mine & is also the reason for your fishing for a reply from me. 

    Also if you are going to speak for an individual or organization, you should most definatly speak for the leader of said organization, the "Clan" that would be the "Grand Wizard". I am sure he has ascended to his postion by letteing others speak for him(such as you on the "Blower") and spread his vast knowledge of what he knows & expects from others. NOT! Apperently you know him well enough to speak for his organization. I believe it was "they would enjoy your joke" or something along those lines. But no condemnation, hmmmm what is one to think?


    intellect, education and refinement

    This is what I surmise of her from reading her posts. I use facts to back up my judgments. Not ludicrous statements with no backing.  Why did you not call out Miss Pie on this subject that has you in such a confrontational mood? Was it perhaps the latter part of my reasoning of why men do not ask intellegent strong willed women for friendship or affairs of the heart? Lacking something Mr.Ton? Any time you feel like measureing & weighing your education and refinement or brainpans against each other feel free to step up. In a small sense you are now, but you assume to much of how little you know me.

    your subsequent defence of it show us that both of you have none of these attributes.

    I did not so much as defend it as let her know that, AS STATED, some humor is exceptable within ones upbringing. Thats all I did. as well as stating that, yes I did find it humorous. My attributes are something you will never know about me Mr. Ton as you are not and never will be me. You may assume all you want. You may know where you end up assuming things.

    Racist jokes are neither humerous nor clever

    I would like to take the stance of disagreeing with you here Mr. Ton. All of the most noted comedians of past & present have used racist jokes as part of their repertoire. Chris Rock, not a racist. Lives in an all white gated community. Bill Cosby, that lovable clean speaking comedian, RACIST. He purchased the syndication rights to "All In The Family". A sitcom in the 1970s that portrayed all kinds of racism. He kept that show off the air for the duration of the syndication period that eludes me at this moment. It is a lengthy period of time. I am guessing at 5-7 years minimum. It cost an astronomical sum to do so. He is a known racist behind the scenes, however infront of the camera his is the epitome of a non racist black man. These are all facts should you take the TIME to investigate and then "pontificate".

    passing them off

    Again, the original poster should be consulted on this matter.

    with a tip of the hat to a bygone age

    Your burn is in no way construded as  "tip of the hat" to any of the subject matter.


    Again, this was not pointed out to the OP. Should everyone reading this ASSUME you are coupling your contempt of me with her as she was the one that merely posted a joke? The subject matter is conjoined in both our posts so I guess your fairly upset with her also. Just lacking in "something" to confront her as you have done with me.

    show us

    Are you schizophrenic? Or are you just speaking for the masses again. Plenty I am sure that have been waiting for this response to you trying to call me out and receiveing something less than polite as to perhaps have me thrown into the moderation pit.

    Alas, sigh, head hanging a bit low for not receiveing your wanting.

    I love a good roll Mr.Ton however the only persons attributes you have called into question are your own for even attempting to blame me for someone elses thoughts. 

    I do hope you all (Mr Ton) and his interior personalities as well as others that may read this find it factual and as concise as I could be under the circumstances.

    I do hope you found what you were looking for Mr. Ton. I would ask that you allow the folks to continue on with something nice & not bring it down to a level that equals or is lesser than your shoe size. 


    Pee        ----------------->*{{{{{{-(

  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Fri, Oct 10 2014 11:18 AM


    Another good great thread going south by one of the self proclaimed greats.

    With a lot of help from a few "self proclaimed intellectuals"....

    Everyone know Paul is the self appointed "politically correct" police here, you get used to it...but the "Revolutionary War" references, "really"...OMFG

    I'll finish reading your post "Novel" when it comes out in paperback....



  • ithurtswnipee
    891 Posts
    Fri, Oct 10 2014 1:44 PM

    Everyone know

    Is he also the spelling police?  if so watch out, your on his radar with that one.

    I digress, Apparently, no definitively you are wrong, for I did not know what Mr. Ton's function was in this venue. Thanks for pointing that out. I missed that in the Terms & Conditions when I actually read them all.

    Thankless job.

    "self proclaimed intellectuals"....

    I did nothing of the sort. That is your doing. Wrong as well. 

    you get used to it...

    You really expect me to listen to you? Rather demanding & demeaning. Want a whip with that? I have a 12 footer not currently in use.

    I'll finish reading

    I'll use mono syllabic words next time to make it easier for you to understand. You completely missed the respect part I handed him (not a$$ kissing) before my retort to his BURN. That would be the same respect I gave to Miss Pie I was accused of >>>>>>>.

    You shall receive none as you are not deservant. Crap that was three syllables. Sorry.

    Your looking for the same. So why not take it out of here as I asked as a courtesy and start a thread named, "Lets Rip PEE". Then maybe the origins of this one can continue. EH?

    Honestly. If you know it alls, & know everything people are trolling the threads looking for confrontation, I have to mention you live very shallow lives to be doing nothing but finding fault with individuals. I have plenty, as most people do. I just try not to bludgeon people for them.

    Happy trails Oh Fat one. Must be a luxury to allow yourself no self discipline. 

    Something I choose never to want or know.

    I would have put a picture of "Trigger" up, but I was afraid you would eat him. I think if you take off the "Doo Rag" the boat MAY come to a plain. {{;>)}


  • opyeuclid
    6,709 Posts
    Fri, Oct 10 2014 1:52 PM

    Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla , Please try the Decaf Coffee .

  • ithurtswnipee
    891 Posts
    Fri, Oct 10 2014 1:56 PM

    Are you eating the fish that follows my moniker also?

    I get no respect. I went to buy a used car last week and my wife's underware were in the glove box. I tell Ya, I get no respect.

    For the late great Rodney Dangerfield, he used some colorful colloquials as I remember. Not a favovorite of Mr.Tons either I imagine.

    C'est la vie

    Pee             ---------------------------------)-}}}}}}*>


    Holy crapola. The bridge troll himself can't keep his 2 cents either. 


    Thank You, Thank You very much.

    All because a very respected Miss Pie posted a joke, The bully crowd shows up. Man you guys need to grow a LOT younger, and get a life. Maybe you will all get lucky and get hit by the funny truck.

    For some it will have to make a return for a refill several times.


  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Fri, Oct 10 2014 3:35 PM

    Actually I came to reply to the thread but ran into a hijacking..

    Is he also the spelling police?  if so watch out, your on his radar with that one.
    You better hope not! Let me help ya out...


    Mr Ton, I find it very contradictory of you to be throwing your trash in my direction over something I had nothing to do with except offer up an opinion as you are doing now. I respect your opinion. Less you forget ( and aparrently apparently still harbor anguish over us kicking your butts back to wence whence you came) that was the reason amonst amongst many others that we, as Americans decided to secede from the oppression from the stiff upper lip crowd. For the freedom of speach speech. Which by design is the first line item on our bill of rights. Pip Pip.

    Cheerio ole' chap.

    I think it may well be time to get over it. The tea is long gone & along with the taxes you folks wanted for it. Pssst keep it a secret,,,,,,,,,,we found a new substance called coffey coffee.

    Blah blah I want to make it absolutly absolutely clear that I have enjoyed watching your picturesque postings for the short time I have been here. I believe you to be a level headed individual & humorous. blah blah

    blah blah I will give you what you were intentionaly intentionally asking for by personally attacking me with your reply to something I did not start. Just responded to.

    blah blah I only know of the OP through approximatly approximately 2 dozen posts I have seen while bouncing around in here learning. blah blah

    blah blah you should most definatly definitely speak for the leader  of said organization, the "Clan" that would be the "Grand Wizard". I am sure he has ascended to his postion position  (Geeez I'm getting tired)

    by letteing(wrong) others speak for him(such as you on the "Blower") and spread his vast knowledge of what he knows & expects from others. NOT! Apperently(wrong) you know him

    blah blah

    blah blah latter part of my reasoning of why men do not ask intellegent(wrong) strong willed women for friendship or affairs of the heart? Lacking something Mr.Ton? Any time you feel like measureing(wrong) & weighing your education and refinement or brainpans against each other feel free to step up. In a small sense you are now, but you assume to much of how little you know me.       (Funniest line yet!)

    I did not so much as defend it as let her know that, AS STATED, some humor is exceptable(wrong) within ones upbringing. Thats(wrong) all I did. as well as blah blah

    blah blah blah It is a lengthy period of time. I am guessing at 5-7 years minimum. It cost an astronomical sum to do so. He is a known racist behind the scenes, however infront of the camera his is the epitome of a non racist black man. These are all facts should you take the TIME to investigate and then "pontificate".


    Your burn is in no way construded(WTF) as  "tip of the hat" to any of the subject matter.

    this response to you trying to call me out and receiveing(wrong) something less than polite as to perhaps have me thrown into the moderation pit.

    Alas, sigh, head hanging a bit low for not receiveing(twice) your wanting.


    Pee        ----------------->*{{{{{{-(

    Word!!! learn how to spell before you correct the spelling of others, not after!!!

    See, I have a sense of humor...I find it hilarious you use those 3 syllable words but can't  spell them LOL LOL LOL LOL....

    I would have posted a pic of you too, I mean just for fun you know, but I couldn't find a pic of a "little" pr!ck on the net, just big ones!


  • ithurtswnipee
    891 Posts
    Fri, Oct 10 2014 4:40 PM

    Hungry Opy? Here is some blah, blah ,blah for you >>>>>>>>>>>>


    opyeuclid United States
    3,465 Posts
    11-09-2012 9:36 PM



    My name is OPY and I am a Reformed forum troll .

    The funny thing here is that I would  go to the forums and look for trouble , And pick / Poke at some of the poster,s , And yes I did single some of them out . ( And still do ) .

    I was burning out on the game and was looking for something more from WGT .

    But something told me  after a bit of that , I was not looking in the right place .

    I think that is when I started this thread  .

    Have fun with the Game OPY  ,,  It,s free and the friend,s that you have made here are all that matters .

    So I now look at the game different .

     I am glad that I grew from a " forum troll " to the player I am now ( Reformed )  Befor the " New Posting Rules "  came into play .

    I now see that I am at That point of my WGT game .  

    I will still be a bad boy and pick on  / poke some players .

     That,s who I am and some thing,s will  Never change .

    OPY    iaaRft

    How did those go down? Bummer when people use your own words against you EH? You really should stay out of my affairs. Try to live up to bettering yourself.

    As of this posting of yours, there is nothing reformed about you. Maybe you should talk to the guy that carries the golf bags. He may have some insight for you.

    I will give you props for telling the truth about never changing though. I always try to see the positive in a negitive such as " I would go to the forums & look for trouble". Your'e living the dream.


    Funny how the world around us usually changes for the better and some things (People) just stagnate.

    "Everything Burns" No truer words have ever been spoken.

    As for you Fat man you are going to have to do way better than that. I'll show you a little >>>>>


    That took about 25 seconds to locate copy & paste. Way better would be leveling up on your part. Take it somewhere else, Please. Make a new thread, I'll come in for your best beat downs. Epic Battles of WGT.............. Go for it, you may get some relief from that pent up control issue.

    Oh and as for spelling. You can find many of my posts that openly inform people that should they want to attack my postings, spelling is ALWAYS a good start & choice. You see I just don't give a rats a$$ about always being right. I don't need knee braces to hold me up from that kind of weight.


    Pee     ---------------------->*{{{{{{-(

  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Fri, Oct 10 2014 6:18 PM

    LOL Don't let the F-A-T part of the name fool ya little one...

    All I need to know, to know I want nothing to do with your kind is you informed everyone you had a young  School age son who also played here in another thread and WGT did something to his account, yet you use that username and brag about how you got a STD with the possibility of him seeing it, if in fact he exists!

    That either makes you a multi accounting liar, or morally suspect IMO, either way I will defer the privilege of opening a thread dedicated entirely to you to someone else, after this post I prefer to avoid you as I have, and will continue to do as much as bore me as well as disgust me.

  • opyeuclid
    6,709 Posts
    Fri, Oct 10 2014 6:39 PM

    Please try the Decaf Coffee .