My username is a name I accidentally gave myself when I was 6 ...
My uncle and my cousin drove up to Oregon to visit with my mom and me. While my mom and uncle Rich were talking, my cousin Derek (age 2 at the time) was trying to get uncle Rich's attention by saying "Daddy, Daddy, Dad" over and over again ... so I joined in. In time, my uncle corrected me by saying, "No ... it's 'uncle', Kat", to which I replied "No ... it's Daddy's Kat".
He found it rather humerous and has called me "Daddy's Kat" ever since ... usually when he want's to get my attention. It's his corny way of letting me know he loves me ... and only HE can call me that! lol.
In May of last year, I moved back home from Oregon where I had attended college, and my uncle invited me to join WGT. To honor him, I used the nickname he uses for me.
So there ya have it Roger! Kinda corny, but true.
Kat ♥