Wow... everyone's so nice and "diplomatic". LOL Alright, here is my take.
JSmithers: Since then I have fielded nasty messages and my CC has had many players accused of cheating since this incident.
JSmithers: but to create a witch hunt on a video game because you are upset you shot 58 in easy conditions at congressional and lost?
JSmithers: But yet there are certain individuals who throw tantrums any time they get beat or a friend gets beat.
Oh, I've seen worse in the past! A witch hunt started by a bunch of f***tards back then when their friends got beat and the accusee was suddenly a red-tee playing cheater. Well, at least, one had balls to step up and apologize, but other two eunuches just vanished.
BIG difference though? The guy was innocent 4 years ago, and what you (guys) are doing is plain cheap cheating no matter what the rules say, no matter how you look at it!
JSmithers: The best part being that some of these "certain individuals" have messaged me privately asking for help and numbers. How much info myself and Young46 have given away on live streams on twitch is borderline ridiculous.
Boy... good thing (and damned proud) that I'm not a "f***stain who asked for help in the past"* to you two. (* This isn't my words. It's gotta sound real familiar to someone.)
JSmithers: I've basically stopped streaming and the enjoyment for the live stream round has been lost for me due to this stuff. The constant harassment and snarky comments have become unbearable.
Welcome to the club. That's how I stopped interacting with people the way I used to. And when I started to speak out again in the forums after that incident, some brainless p*t*sse labelled me being "aggressive all the time". When an individual behaves in a certain way, there's a reason behind it.
From now on, you'll have that dirty after-taste no matter how hard you try to enjoy it. Again... the only difference is your case is NOT an accusation, it's a fact, PERIOD.