Time to celebrate my new grandson and daughters 25th birthday, No cigars and since this is such a fun game, for next 25 days Ill gift 25 of these wedges. 1 each day to a beginner player to get you started building your bag with upgraded clubs.

To be eligible for the wedge you must meet following requirements
1 Have played at least 10 ranked rounds and are enjoying the game.
2 Don't already have upgraded clubs/wedges
To win, just be the first person to post in this thread after GMT time corresponding with day of month it is. Be sure to look at 24hr and not 12 hr clock
example today is the 21st, so the first post time stamped after 21:00 GMT will win.This is to give all time zones a chance to win
All I ask in return is you to pay it forward and help out another newbie in the future.First beginner to reply with request gets the first one. Tomorrow first to make a request after 22:00 gmt gets second and so on.
1 cm68
2 muttsnutts69
3 chiangraidavid
4 Importer
5 pantherz
6 markopolor7
7 chrislabrie
8 mreis
10 Knocz
11 Blade7658
12 cronhughes2
13 Anise
14 bquigs
15 SlaminSamuel
16 aMt405
17 Mallyally
18 Sevewillow
19 marta2008
20 JHByrd
21 vttb
22 alexderwolf
23 darkbeowulf
24 LakshyaDheer
25 DipanSethi
26 pippo67