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Anti American sentiment from UK players

Fri, Nov 11 2011 6:03 PM (164 replies)
  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Mon, Nov 7 2011 8:20 PM

    I think it's about time Rodney King stepped in and issues his famous words...

  • AndiWhite
    137 Posts
    Mon, Nov 7 2011 9:26 PM



    I wouldn't generalize like that. There are bad apples in every country.



    Quite right Icon. No bias here. I dislike everybody equally.



    LOL piztaker.  Same here!!!

  • robdelahunty
    670 Posts
    Tue, Nov 8 2011 1:57 AM

    All i know is: Alphabetically the United Kingdom comes before The United States of America!However there is no Great in Britain anymore,there is nothing United about the Kingdom either,basically everyone except maybe the Portugeezers hate the English and we don't care lol!

    I spent 6 years in the Army,got out Dec 91,nothing but respect for Stormin Norman and his Troops,wether the incoming be SCUDS or "Friendly Fire",we are Brothers in Arms!

    Too much animosity in here for me,think i'll go create a new thread,giving thanks to the Yanks for all the good that's come from over the pond!....................................................... Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm French fries! 


  • casperturk
    484 Posts
    Tue, Nov 8 2011 2:02 AM

    Americans vs. English

    An American company and an English company decided to engage in a

    competitive boat race. Both teams practised hard and long to reach

    their peak performance. On the big day they both felt ready.

    The English won by a mile.


    Afterward, the American team was discouraged by the loss. Morale

    sagged. Corporate management decided that the reason for the crushing

    defeat had to be found, so a consulting firm was hired to investigate

    the problem and recommended corrective action.

    The consultant's found that the English team had eight people rowing

    and one person steering, while the American team had one person rowing and

    eight people steering. After a half a year of study and millions spent

    analysing the problem, the consultant firm concluded that too many

    people were steering and not enough were rowing on the American team.

    As race day neared again, the following year, the American team's

    management structure was completely reorganised.

    The new structure: a steering director, three departmental steering managers, three

    steering sub-managers, and a new performance review system for the

    person rowing the boat to provide work incentive.

    That  year, the English won by two miles.


    Humiliated, the American corporation fired the rower for poor

    performance and gave the managers a 25% bonus for discovering the


  • robdelahunty
    670 Posts
    Tue, Nov 8 2011 2:38 AM

    Well next year if the Brit boat has not been Repo'd.They have contracted the Navy seals to scupper the buggar!

  • MainzMan
    9,590 Posts
    Tue, Nov 8 2011 5:59 AM


    It dos not matter//\\\\



    I t douse not matter. Your country is at joke level. Undertand  this. Your Country is old filthy, and terrible


    At least it has schools, something you seem to have somehow failed to find or if  you did find one, you were clearly too stupid to open the door.


    I've no problem with America or Americans at all (apart from illiterate idiots talking utter shyte).  There's a lot of crap talked about America sticking it's nose into the politics of other countries but if it weren't for the US who would be stopping nut cases like Gaddafi doing what the hell they like?  Surely no-one really believes the vast majority of Americans wouldn't rather not have their sons, brothers and fathers fighting and dying in foreign countries?  Does anyone really believe there was any gain for America going to help the freedom fighters in Libya? 

    There have been mistakes made of course and sometimes the motivation for actions has been a bit suspect but for me America has to be seen as a force acting for the general good of the world and very often getting slapped in the face for it.  Or worse.

  • superchuck
    210 Posts
    Tue, Nov 8 2011 6:43 AM

    Look, this whole thread is rediculoid. EGOS Know no borders......

    Nuff said

  • luckysump
    638 Posts
    Tue, Nov 8 2011 7:15 AM


    Look, this whole thread is rediculoid. EGOS Know no borders......

    Nuff said

    Good point my friend,  C'mon WGTicon stop this its getting out of hand..


  • gsoup
    2,929 Posts
    Tue, Nov 8 2011 7:43 AM

    I was thinking that we are all golfers here with flags next to our names.

    spent 3.5 yrs in Germany hoping you know who wouldnt charge accroos

    the border, because if he had  I probably would not be playing here.

    Cant we all just get along

    (i still think British food is YUKKIE, but thats just me)

  • robdelahunty
    670 Posts
    Tue, Nov 8 2011 8:01 AM

    Why cant we all just sit down and have a nice cup of tea!