tanneralis: your influences on shots these days have gone to far, stop using your pathetic VEM on players shots, let us play in peace.
Perhaps you should frequent a chess or poker website instead of subjecting yourself to this type of torment. At least with an online chess site you know that the computer is smarter than you and losing is the "norm". On line poker will give you the same kind of satisfaction, knowing full well that you will never get the card you need.
The results are the same, YOU LOSE! Just like you do here, but there is no "VEM" or influence on the outcome of your play to blame.
Maybe you just are not very good at this game. Please, quit crying, your a grown whatever.
PS, just checked your stats, and you are better than 90 percent of the players on this site, including me. Damn it. Perhaps I should look into online chess, LOL.
Foot in mouth and have a nice day.