We had 3 -- count 'em, 3!! -- Holes in One at Docs Place this week. They came so fast and furious that it was tough to get trophies made up in between all the activity.
First, AColford collected his 6th Ace, coming this time at Kiawah Island's hole #8. By the looks of things, I'm sure it won't be his last by a long shot.

Next, hayshounds1 knocked down his 10th Hole in One. His latest came on Pebble Beach's 5th hole. I do believe he's in the process of building another trophy case to house all his hardware.

And finally, Shaggy5020 scored his first ever Hole in One on the 9th hole at Pinehurst No. 2. The first of many, I'm sure.

Well done to all! We'll be constructing a new wing on the ol' trophy room if this pace keeps up.