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Wed, Jan 22 2025 4:14 PM (5 replies)
  • Microronscott
    1 Posts
    Tue, Jan 4 2022 8:37 AM

       Going into the Xmas holiday weekend, on 12/23, I was solicited by WGT with various opportunities to make a product purchase for 2X free credits.  I opted for "OLAY" products, which required me to spend a minimum of $100 for 49,000+ free credits.  I executed this, spent $132, paid via my PayPal account, and that's where everything stopped. 

    1.  No credits.

    2.  No record of the transaction....though it does show that I made the choice and it is "in process".....whatever that means.

    3. WGT was zero help and referred me to something called "tapjoy".  I have no idea what this is, or how it is linked as I simply followed the opportunity on the WGT web site.  I have no idea how it's linked or networked.

    4.  "Tapjoy" has been of no help.  I supplied a screen shot of my purchase/choice, noting that it lists it as initiated and in process.  I requested advise and guidelines on how to re-execute this as necessary....AS THE PROMOTION NO LONGER IS LISTED!  They have been of no help - either replying with boiler-plate / form language or ignoring my description of the event.  It's pretty basic and self explanatory.  IE. - correct YOUR error, or instruct me on how to re-initiate my acceptance of the promotional offer I was solicited for.


       This could be construed as fraud and false advertising.  If I don't receive satisfactory follow-up, I will examine my legal resource. 

  • HamdenPro
    2,541 Posts
    Tue, Jan 4 2022 5:19 PM


      I opted for "OLAY" products, which required me to spend a minimum of $100 for 49,000+ free credits. 

    In what manner did you make your purchase? By following the links through the app or going to the Oil of Olay site directly?

    If you accessed the site through the mobile app, after purchasing, by going back, by using the "back" key, to your opening screen, the credits should have been awarded right away. I did the same thing, but I used a VEMNO card (used as a credit card) and my credits were awarded immediately.

    WGT was zero help and referred me to something called "tapjoy"
    "Tapjoy" has been of no help

    Tapjoy runs the promotions, but WGT process the credits. I would stick with emails to  If you can, attach a copy of your proof of purchase, showing date and amount. Let them know that tapjoy is ignoring you. With enough pressure, you will get your credits. You may want to mention that you will send an email to Oil of Olay customer service to advise them of the situation.

    It is also possible, there is a delay in awarding credits when payment is made through PayPal, I would not know having never used PayPal for any online purchases other than Ebay years ago.

  • Tubeer
    1 Posts
    Tue, Oct 31 2023 2:56 PM

    The Olay promotion is listed again


  • Porsche993tt
    15 Posts
    Wed, Jan 22 2025 12:12 PM

    I realize that this Forum description is from 2022, however the same thing happened to me for 61,740 credits. I got the run around from, WGT, Olay, and tap joy. They denied me credits due me in their advertising. I read where the Federal Trade commission fined Tap Joy for deceptive advertising. Looks like they are up to deceiving WGT members. I have spent over a month of emails , etc to the three groups and no luck. I have filed a complaint with the federal trade commission. Hopefully they will bring them to their senses.

  • EasyPopsicles
    15 Posts
    Wed, Jan 22 2025 3:31 PM

    I got ripped off by Olay also.  I bought through tapjoy, paid $165, received the product, complained, proved the purchase, sent screen shots, contacted WGT and Tapjot and nothing but (CRICKETS).  No reply from WGT or Tapjoy.  I am very unhappy.  They were suppose to pay be 40,000 credits, that’s $333 in credits.  Guess I should complain to the FTC also.  Is there a government agency we can complain to about WGT’s culpability to this situation.

  • BlackBogey
    659 Posts
    Wed, Jan 22 2025 4:14 PM

    I love TapJoy - just got the last of 38k credits for playing a game about an average of an hour a day for 25 days and spending $80 on in-game purchases.  All credits were delivered immediately after reaching required levels or buying in-game upgrade packs. 

    I've easily made over half million credits for pennies on the dollar in the last year off playing Tapjoy games or doing 1 month subscriptions (ASPCA, American Cancer Society, Dollar Shave Club, etc...) during Double Credit weekends.